7.3 Post-Installation

7.3.1 Labeling Tapes

Do this after installation of Amanda in tape mode:

  1. su to user amandabackup.

  2. Write DailySet1-XXon the tape, where XX is the number of the tape.

  3. Load the tape into the drive.

  4. Run the command amlabel DailySet DailySet1-XX.

You need to change tapes manually before backup time. Amanda does not overwrite the wrong tape, so the appropriate tape must be inserted prior to the selected backup time.

If you are using a tape changer, you need to set the tape changer manually. Setting up the tape changer is very specific to the device. For more information, see the Amanda manual.

7.3.2 Backup Scheduling and Configuration

For more information about administering software, see the Amanda documentation site.