4.8 Uninstalling the Novell iPrint Client

Uninstalling the Novell iPrint Client is dependent on your workstation’s operating system.

4.8.1 Removing the Linux iPrint Client

You can remove the Linux iPrint Client RPM from a terminal prompt. Depending on the Client installed use one of the following commands.

rpm -e novell-iprint-xclient-sh-version.i586.rpm

rpm -e novell-iprint-xclient-sl-version.i586.rpm

NOTE:When you uninstall the Linux iPrint Client, all iPrint printers remain installed on the workstation and the user can still print to the printers until the printer is deleted from the workstation.

4.8.2 Removing the Macintosh iPrint Client

  1. Open the MacOSX folder.

  2. Click Application, then double-click Uninstall iPrint.pkg

  3. Follow the prompts to uninstall the client.

    The uninstall program runs an installation script. Even though the last screen says the installation is successful, the uninstall was successful.

NOTE:When you uninstall the Macintosh iPrint Client, all iPrint printers remain installed on the workstation and the user can still print to the printers until the printer is deleted from the workstation.

4.8.3 Removing the Windows iPrint Client

To remove the Novell iPrint Client, use Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel.

NOTE:When you uninstall the Windows iPrint Client, all iPrint printers are removed from the workstation.