4.2 Migration Procedure

Migration of NTP configuration can be done using the YaST utility. During boot time, the utility reads Sys:\system\timeserv.ncf file and depending on the specification, migrates either NTP or Timesync configuration.

The migration procedure reads the NetWare NTP configuration file and maps its parameters to the equivalents in Linux. During the migration process the existing ntp.conf file is backed up and saved as ntp.conf.old in the /etc folder and the new parameters are saved in /etc/ntp.conf.

4.2.1 Using YaST to Migrate Servers

  1. Open YaST.

  2. Select Novell Migration > Migrate Novell NTP. Refer table Table 4-1 for details on filling the fields.

    Table 4-1 Migrating NTP/Timesync to NTP on Linux

    Configuration Parameter


    NTP/Timesync Server IP Address

    Specify an IP Address for the source server

    Admin DN

    The LDAP username that you intend to use to log in to the source server

    Admin Password

    The password for the LDAP username

  3. Click Accept to start the migration process.

  4. If the migration was a successful, a message indicating the same is displayed.

    If you encounter any errors during migration, check the /var/log/migtime.log file. After resolving the errors, execute the migration procedure again.

4.2.2 Using Command Line to Migrate Servers

To run the NTP migration utility through command line, use the following command:

/opt/novell/migration/bin/migtime -S <source IP address>