2.1 Installation/Upgrade Issues

2.1.1 Reboot Option in Factory Image Response File Not Working

If you install a NetWare VM Guest using the factory image response file and select the automatic reboot option, the VM guest will not work until you reboot it.

2.1.2 Storage-Related Plug-Ins Must Be Uninstalled

After upgrading to NetWare 6.5 SP8, you must uninstall all of the old storage-related plug-ins for iManager, then install the new ones for iManager 2.7.3. The storage-related plug-ins are available on the installation media.

In OES 2 for Linux and NetWare®, the Novell Distributed File Services and Native File Access Protocols (AFP and CIFS) for NetWare were delivered in the NSS Management plug-in (nssmgmt.npm).In OES 2 SP1, these roles are delivered separately in their own NPM files.

Distributed File Services is now delivered as dfsmgmt.npm.

The Native File Access Protocols for NetWare service has been replaced by Novell AFP (afpmgmt.npm) and Novell CIFS (cifsmgmt.npm). In OES 2 SP1, the Novell AFP and Novell CIFS plug-ins support AFP and CIFS services for NSS volumes on both Linux and NetWare.

These three new plug-ins also require the NSS Management (nssmgmt.npm) and Storage Management (storagemgmt.npm) plug-ins. Other storage-related plug-ins include Archive Versioning (arkmgmt.npm) and Cluster Services (ncsmgmt.npm). All storage-related plug-ins share code in common with the Storage Management plug-in.You must uninstall the existing storage-related plug-ins, then install the new plug-ins at the same time to make sure that the common code works for all plug-ins.