12.7 Print Result Variables

The following table lists all available print result variables that can be used in addition to the global template variables to extend the functionality of the default print result templates or to create new templates.

For more information about how to implement variables in a template (HTML) page, see Section 13.0, Customizing Your Templates and Search Forms.

Table 12-4 Print Result Variables




Begins a section for a print result that the user has rights to see. Used in conjunction with $$EndAuthorized. If a search result is authorized, this section of text and template variables is processed. If the result is unauthorized, this section is removed from the output.

See also $$BeginUnAuthorized.


Identifies special formatting to apply to individual print result items based on their Mime type. For example, text formats should generally be output by using HTML’s <pre> tag, such as in the following:


See also $$EndMimeType.


Beginning of the table of contents repeating section. This section is repeatedly parsed until there are no further TOC result items to process.

This is a conditional text section. The items within the brackets ( [ ] ) are processed only if the current item represents a change in the depth of the hierarchy. If $$Product appears within the conditional text, it is replaced only if the current item also represents a new product.


Begins a section for a print result that the user does not have rights to see. Used in conjunction with $$EndUnAuthorized. If a print result is not authorized, this section of text and template variables is processed. If the print result is authorized, this section is removed from the output.

See also $$BeginAuthorized.


HTML anchor name of the current result item. This can be used to jump from a TOC entry to the corresponding section within the print job. All bookmark entries begin with “novell_print_toc_” and are followed by the number of the current result item, as in novell_print_toc_1.


Abstract, description, or first 255 display bytes of the result item.


Ends a section for a print result that the user has rights to see. For more information, see $$BeginAuthorized.


Ends a $$BeginMimeType section. For more information, see $$BeginMimeType[text/plain].


End of the table of contents section.

This is a conditional text section. The items within the brackets ( [ ] ) are written out each time a result item occurs that decreases the depth of the hierarchy. If the depth of the current item is several levels fewer than the previous item, the text within the conditional text block is written out that many times.


Ends a section for a print result item that the user does not have rights to see. For more information, see $$BeginUnAuthorized.


Hit number of the current result item. Possible numbers begin with 1 and end with $$TotalHits. Is displayed using the client's locale.


Number of indentations required for the current Table of Contents entry.


Name of the product associated with the current item in the table of contents.

This displays only if this is the first result item within that product.

See also $$BeginTOCList[text].


Title of the result item. For empty titles, <title unavailable> is displayed. Displayed using the client's locale.


Total number of hits that match the search query. This is not the same as the number of hits displayed in any particular result page. Displayed using the client's locale.


URL of the result item.


The entire contents of the URL are placed into the template at this location. The URL contents are not parsed to validate their data type, formatting, or functionality. Only text/plain and text/html files are printed. All other files are inserted into the print job as an error message.