A.42 Volume Management Commands

A.42.1 System Volume Commands (NetWare)

NSS provides the following special commands for managing the system volume on NetWare.

nss /RenameToSYS

Lets you rename the sys: volume back to sys: if you have previously renamed it. At the prompt, enter the name of the volume you want to rename to sys:.

nss /SalvageSys

Lets you restore the sys: volume if you have deleted it (only if it has not yet been purged).

nss /ExpandSYS

Lets you expand the pool that contains your sys: volume. When prompted, enter the partition ID of the free space you plan to use to expand the pool. You can obtain the partition ID of all free partitions by using the /ListFreeSpace command.

nss /ListFreeSpace

Lists all free partitions and NSS partitions that have not been assigned to a pool. Use this command to obtain the partition ID required when using the /ExpandSYS command.

nss /SYSHotFixSize=size

Use this switch in conjunction with the /ExpandSYS command to set the Hotfix size (in KB) of the new partition.

Default: 100 KB

Range: 0 to the size, where 0=No HotFix

A.42.2 Volumes Command

NSS provides the volumes command and /volumes option for viewing a list of the currently mounted volumes, their status, and the attributes for NSS volumes. To view which attributes are currently set for a volume, enter

nss /volumes

You can also use enter the volumes command to get the same output.

The volumes utility for NCP provides additional information about the mounted volumes on a Linux server, such as its Linux path. For information, see Section B.24, VOLUMES (Linux, NCP Utility).

For example, the NSS volumes command outputs state and attributes information in a tabular format:

     Volume Name           State                Attributes
-----------------------  -----------  -----------------------------------
_ADMIN                   ACTIVE       Hardlinks
DATA1                    ACTIVE       Salvage
                                      Data Shredding
DATA2                    ACTIVE       Salvage
VOL1                     ACTIVE       Salvage
                                      User Space Restrictions
                                      Directory Quotas
VOL2                     ACTIVE        Salvage

The following volume attributes are displayed on both NetWare and Linux:

The following volume attributes are displayed only on NetWare:


For Information

Flush files immediately

Section A.17, I/O Write Commands (NetWare)

Transaction Tracking System (TTS)

Section A.40, Transaction Tracking System (TTS) Commands (NetWare)

A.42.3 Volume Activity Commands

nss /ExtendMac=volumename

Enable extended Macintosh name space on the specified NSS volume on NetWare.

nss /ForceActivate=volumename

Forces an NSS volume to become active. For encrypted NSS volumes, this command cannot force an activation unless the volume has been previously activated with a password on the first activation after a reboot.

nss /ForceDeactivate=volumename

Forces an NSS volume to the deactive state. Does not prompt for open files.

nss /VolumeActivate=volumename

Activates the specified NSS volume.

nss /VolumeDeactivate=volumename

Deactivates the specified NSS volume.

nss /VolumeMaintenance=volumename

Places a specified volume into maintenance mode. Volumes can be put in maintenance mode, but maintenance occurs only at the storage pool level.

mount volume_name

Mount the specified unencrypted NSS volume or an encrypted NSS volume that has been previously activated with its password. If it has not been previously activated, it returns an error message, requesting more information.

mount all

Mount all unencrypted NSS volumes and all encrypted NSS volumes that have been previously activated with their passwords. Encrypted NSS volumes that were not previously activated return error messages, requesting more information.

A.42.4 Encrypted Volume Activity Commands

Use the commands in this section to display volume status and to activate, mount, deactivate, or dismount encrypted NSS volumes.

You must enter a password the first time the volume is activated or mounted following a system reboot. Thereafter, other environmental security and authentication measures control access to user data. On NetWare, the encryption password can be entered when mounting from NSSMU or activating the volume from the command line.

IMPORTANT:Use NSSMU to mount encrypted volumes on Linux the first time after a server reboot. Thereafter, you can use the Linux mount command.

You cannot use wildcard commands, such as nss /VolumeAutoActivate, to activate encrypted NSS volumes.

You cannot use the wildcard option of All as the volume name for volumes where the password has not previously been provided. Until an encrypted volume is activated with its password following each system reboot, the All option does not find the volume and does not execute the command. The system returns an error message.

nss /activate=volume_name

On NetWare, activate the specified unencrypted or encrypted NSS volume. If you are prompted for it, enter the encryption password. The password is required only on the first activation following a system reboot.

This command cannot be used in a script to activate encrypted NSS volumes.

nss /activate=all

On NetWare, activate all unencrypted NSS volumes and all encrypted NSS volumes that have been previously activated with their passwords.

mount volume_name

Mount the specified unencrypted NSS volume or an encrypted NSS volume that has been previously activated with its password. If it has not been previously activated, it returns an error message, requesting more information.

mount all

Mount all unencrypted NSS volumes and all encrypted NSS volumes that have been previously activated with their passwords. Encrypted NSS volumes that were not previously activated return error messages, requesting more information.

nss /volumeactivate=volume_name

On NetWare, activate the specified unencrypted or encrypted NSS volume. If you are prompted for it, enter the encryption password. The password is required only on the first activation following a system reboot.

nss /volumes

View the status of an encrypted and unencrypted NSS volumes. The encrypted volume returns a status of Encrypted.

A.42.5 VolumeAuto Commands for Load Time

Use the following command to view the volume’s current load-time policies.


Displays the volume’s current load-time policies.

Use the following commands in the nssstart.cfg file to control which volumes are active at load time. You cannot use these commands for encrypted NSS volumes. You must use NSSMU to activate the volume on the first time after restart so you can provide the password.

nss /VolumeAutoActivate=volumename

Activates the specified volume at load time.

nss /VolumeAutoDeactivate=volumename

Deactivates the specified volume at load time.