2.8 Uninstalling MySQL

  1. If the MySQL server is running, run mysqladmin shutdown -u root -ppassword or run unload mysqld at the server console to shut it down.

    Make sure that the MySQL Database Server screen has closed. If mysqld_safe was not started with the --autoclose option, you will need to go to the MySQL Database Server screen and press any key to close the screen.

  2. If the server GUI console is not running, enter startx at the system console.

  3. Click Install on the Novell menu.

  4. In the Installed Products dialog, select MySQL and click Remove.

  5. In the Confirm Product Deletion dialog box, click OK.

    When the Installed Products dialog box reappears, verify that MySQL is no longer there. If it is, make sure that the MySQL server is down and the MySQL Database Server screen has closed. Then repeat this procedure, beginning with Step 4.

  6. After the uninstall process is complete, delete the following file and directories:

    • sys:\etc\my.cnf, which is the MySQL configuration file

    • sys:\mysql, which is the default MySQL directory

    Also, delete the MySQL data directory if it was not under the sys:\mysql directory. Delete the sys:\etc\my.cnf. Also, delete the following files if they exist.

    • sys:\etc\my.cnf.org

    • sys:\etc\my.cnf.upg

    • sys:\etc\my.cnf.sav

    HINT:If you attempt to reinstall MySQL before deleting the MySQL configuration file and the MySQL directories, the MySQL install process reuses these folders and files. For more details, review Upgrading a NetWare Server.