7.9 Executing Provisioning Tasks Manually

This section details the method of Provisioning DSfW server by using command line scripts.

7.9.1 Exporting Passwords

Before provisioning DSfW server using the command line scripts, it is important to export the passwords in order to authenticate and pass the credentials for the provisioning tasks.

You do not need to export the username. This is because the username used during YaST configuration is stored in the xad.ini file and reused for provisioning.

Table 7-6 Details of Passwords to be Exported


Password Details

Forest Root Domain

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD and ADM_PASSWD with tree admin credentials

Child Domain

export ADM_PASSWD_DOMAIN=current domain password

export ADM_PASSWD_PARENT=parent domain password

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD=tree domain password


Additional Domain Controller

export ADM_PASSWD=current domain password

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD=tree domain password

7.9.2 Provisioning Tasks

NOTE:To know about the provisioning tasks associated with each installation scenario, see Section 7.6, Provisioning Tasks for Name-Mapped and Non-Name-Mapped Scenarios.

Provisioning Precheck

This task verifies the state of the servers to ensure that they are ready for provisioning.

As part of the provisioning precheck activity, a health check is performed in the background to validate the state of the system to avoid a stale state. Not validating the system state can lead to irrecoverable failures in the system. This makes the health check very important.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Configure DNS

This task configures DNS on the DSfW server. DSfW uses DNS as its location service, enabling computers to find the location of domain controllers.

NOTE:As part of DSfW installation, the DNS server is configured in the first domain in the forest. For subsequent child domains, you can either link to the DNS server in the first domain or install a DNS server for the child domain.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Configure DNS and WINS

This task configures DNS and WINS on the DSfW server. DSfW uses DNS as its location service, enabling computers to find the location of domain controllers. You can also configure a DSfW server as a WINS server. WINS is a name server and service for NetBIOS computer names. It provides NetBIOS name to IP address mapping for the client workstations in different subnets.

As part of DNS configuration, the following actions are performed:

  • Forward Lookup zones are configured for the domain to resolve queries on domain name lookup.

  • Reverse Zones are configured for the domain to resolve requests that need to associate a DNS name with an IP address.

  • Resource records of type NS, SRV, A, PTR are created.

  • The zone references are added to the DNS Server, DNS Group object, and the DNS Locator object.

    Currently, DSfW is tightly coupled with Novell® DNS and needs at least one DNS server to run on a domain controller, but there are future plans to provide support for any DNS server capable of supporting secure DNS updates.

By default, the DNS server is configured on the first domain controller in a forest. For any additional domain controller in the forest, you can either use the existing DNS server in the forest or configure this server as a DNS server. Before configuring any additional domain controller in the domain, ensure that the nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf points to the DNS server that the first domain controller of the domain is using.

As part of WINS configuration, the following actions are performed:

  • The DNS entry in the corresponding zone object is created.

  • The /etc/samba/smb.conf file is updated with the parameters required for Samba services to act as a WINS server.

  • The nmb process is restarted.

The post‐check operation for the task checks if the DNS entry and data files corresponding to WINS are created.

Create Domain Partition

This task creates a partition for the domain.

This partition has complete information about all the domain objects. Information about the domain objects is replicated to domain controllers in the same domain.

NOTE:This task is not executed in a name-mapped scenario.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Add Domain Replica

This task moves the replica of the domain partition from the master server to the local server.

NOTE:This task is executed for all provisioning scenarios except for non-name-mapped and forest root domain installation.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Configure SLAPI Plug-ins

This task loads the SLAPI plug-ins. The SLAPI plug-ins take care of maintaining the Active Directory information model. This ensures that the SLAPI framework is ready before any domain-specific data is added.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Add Domain Objects

This task adds the domain objects that represent the domain-specific information under the domain partition.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Create Configuration Partition

This task partitions the configuration container (cn=configuration) created as part of the Domain Objects Addition task. This configuration partition contains information on the physical structure and configuration of the forest (such as the site topology).

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Create Schema Partition

This task partitions the schema container (cn=schema) created during the Domain Objects Addition task.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Add Configuration Objects

This task adds the configuration and schema partition objects. It helps maintain integrity with the Active Directory information model.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Add Domain Controller

This task adds the domain controller to the domain.

This task creates additional objects that make your server act as a domain controller. The task is only executed if you have installed DSfW as an additional domain controller in the domain.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Assign Rights

This task configures directory-specific access rights for the domain and the domain administrator being provisioned.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Samify Objects

This task is specific to a name-mapped installation. The existing user and group objects are extended to receive Active Directory attributes that allow them to be part of the domain being provisioned. Some of the extended attributes are supplementary Credentials, objectSid, and samAccountName.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Configure Site

This task partitions the domain controller object (mSDS:Server), which is represented as a container object in eDirectory. This domain controller object is located under cn=Servers,cn=<sitename>,cn=Sites,cn=Configuration,dc=<domain name>

This task performs the following actions:

  • Pre‐checks the DSfW environment before partitioning of the object.

  • Partitions the domain controller object.

  • Post‐checks the DSfW environment after partitioning of the object.

Restart DSfW Services

This task restarts services in order of dependence.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Set Credential for Accounts

This task sets the password and kerberizes the administrator, krbgt, and guest accounts.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Enable Kerberos

In DSfW, Kerberos is the primary security protocol for authentication within a domain. The Kerberos authentication mechanism issues tickets for accessing network services.

As part of this task, the krb5.conf file is updated and a ticket is sent to the administrator principal.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:


Establish Trust

A trust is a relationship established between domains that enables users in one domain to be authenticated by a domain controller in the other domain. Authentication between domains occurs through trusts.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:



This task removes files from a partial or failed installation. It also removes the temp directories and checkpoint files created during provisioning.

After you have exported the passwords, execute the following script:
