7.0 Novell Archive and Version Services

IMPORTANT:Beginning with OES 11 SP2, there is no active development or enhancement to Novell Archive and Version Services, and support will be limited to security fixes. You can continue to use AV resources with Novell Cluster Services. For more information, see OES 11 SP3: Novell Archive and Version Services Administration Guide.

On NetWare, Archive and Versioning Services uses a MySQL database. On Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) 11 or later, it uses a PostgreSQL database. You can migrate the data from the MySQL database to the PostgreSQL database on Linux. You must configure a new cluster resource on a shared Linux POSIX file system for the PostgreSQL database.

The load script commands are also different on OES than NetWare. See Archive Load, Unload and Monitor Scripts in the OES 11 SP3: Novell Archive and Version Services Administration Guide.