9.1 Upgrading DSfW to OES 2 SP3

This section helps you understand the types of upgrade, prerequisites for upgrading, and the upgrade process.

9.1.1 Upgrade Scenario

If a DSfW domain has multiple domain controllers, it is recommended to upgrade the primary domain controller first, followed by the upgrade of the remaining domain controllers. If all the domain controllers are not upgraded to the same patch level, the OES 2 SP3 features will not be available.

To determine the IP address of the server that is the primary domain controller, use the following command:

dig -t SRV _ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs._DOMAIN_NAME_ +short

Here, _DOMAIN_NAME_ is the domain name of the current domain, for example dsfw.com. In a DSfW setup that has multiple domains like FRD or child domain, the upgrade can be commenced from any domain.

9.1.2 Supported Mixed Mode configurations

Mixed mode DSfW domains in a DSfW forest is supported. However, it is recommended to have all the domain controllers of a domain run the same version of OES. You can have DSfW domains run different versions of OES (SP1,SP2,and SP3) in the same DSfW forest. However, SP2-specific features will only work in domains that run OES 2 SP2 and above. Similarly, SP3-specific features will only work in domains that run OES 2 SP3.

9.1.3 Prerequisite

Before running the upgrade process, ensure that time is synchronized between all the servers in the replica ring.

9.1.4 Channel Upgrade

You can perform channel upgrade in silent or interactive mode.

Silent mode

You can perform channel upgrade in silent mode by creating an answer file that contains the domain administrator password. For information on creating an answer file, refer to Creating a Password Answer File in the OES 2 SP3: Installation Guide .

Interactive mode

Upgrade process in interactive mode requires user intervention. To run the upgrade process in this mode, refer to Performing the Upgrade in the OES 2 SP3: Installation Guide.

9.1.5 Media Upgrade

Media upgrade involves upgrading in an offline mode from a physical media such as CD or DVD. For step-by-step instructions, refer to Using Physical Media to Upgrade (Offline) in the OES 2 SP3: Installation Guide.

9.1.6 Troubleshooting

Channel Upgrade from OES 2 SP2 to OES 2 SP3 Fails

A channel upgrade from OES 2 SP2 to OES 2 SP3 fails after the RPMs are installed and the server is rebooted. The failure is observed while updating the domain with the ACL of the uniqueDomainID attribute.

To prevent this failure, after the RPMs are updated, you must extend the DSfW schema and reboot the server. For more information, refer to the TID 7007505 http://www.novell.com/support/php/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=7007505&sliceId=2&docTypeID=DT_TID_1_1&dialogID=242581535&stateId=0 0 242579776.

Samba cache File Corruption

After upgrading, you may encounter a Samba cache file corruption issue. Follow the instruction documented in Error Mapping SID to UID to resolve the error.

Upgrade Fails

If upgrade to OES 2 SP3 fails during the post-configuration phase, then the upgrade tool will not retry and upgrade of other OES components will continue. You must rerun the upgrade scripts based on the upgrade scenario.

OES 2 SP1 to OES 2 SP2 upgrade: Use the script /opt/novell/xad/share/dcinit/upgrade_sysvol.pl

OES 2 SP1 or OES 2 SP2 to OES 2 SP3 upgrade: Use the script /opt/novell/xad/sbin/upgrade_dsfw.pl

You must also ensure that the kerberos ticket is up-to-date. To obtain the domain administrator's ticket use kinit.

kinit <Adminstrator Name>