13.2 AFP Login Issues

13.2.1 Cannot See the Login Dialog Box

Cause: This error is displayed when the firewall is enabled on the AFP server.

Action: To resolve this problem, use YaST to stop the firewall or set the firewall to allow connections from the client on TCP port 548.

13.2.2 AFP User Login to a Macintosh 10.5 Client Fails With a “Connection Failed” Error

Cause: The AFP user needs access permission to at least one of the volumes exported from the AFP server to resolve this issue.

Action: This problem can be resolved by assigning appropriate access rights to the AFP user.

13.2.3 Invalid Username and Password Error

Cause: Incorrect credentials

Action: If the credentials you have entered are correct, verify whether the afpdircxt.conf file has the context information for AFP users. The AFP server requires valid context information to resolve the typeless name user login.

13.2.4 Cleartext Authentication Fails on Mac Clients

Cause: This error occurs if you attempt to connect to an AFP server from a Mac client by using the Cleartext method. The Cleartext authentication method is by default disabled on Mac clients.

Action: To resolve this issue, execute the following commands:

For Mac OS 10.5.X versions:

defaults write com.Apple.AppleShareClient afp_cleartext_allow -bool YES

For Mac 10.6.x versions:

/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1


defaults write com.Apple.AppleShareClient afp_cleartext_allow -bool YES

/usr/bin/plutil -convert binary1


For more information about enabling authentication methods in the Mac 10.7 client, see Section 13.2.6, Enabling Authentication Mechanisms for a Mac 10.7 Client

13.2.5 One-Way or Two-Way Random Exchange Authentication Fails on Mac Clients

Cause: This error occurs if you attempt to connect to an AFP server from a Mac client by using the One-way Random Exchange or Two-Way Random Exchange authentication methods. Both of these authentication methods are deprecated on Mac clients.

Action: Ensure that you use the DHX or DHX2 method of authentication.

13.2.6 Enabling Authentication Mechanisms for a Mac 10.7 Client

By default, only the DHX2 authentication mechanism is enabled in Mac 10.7 and later clients. To use other authentication mechanisms to connect to the OES server, see the Apple Knowledge base.