Class TlsConfiguration

  extended by com.novell.zos.tls.TlsConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class TlsConfiguration
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable

TLS Configuration Parameters for ZOS clients.

This class holds various TLS-related configuration parameters used by ZOS clients to connect to the server. By passing an instance of this class to the ZOS client API upon login, or by setting global defaults, the behavior and usage of Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be modified by client writers.

The factory default behavior for ZOS clients and agents is to enable TLS, with the level of encryption specified by the server upon client connection. By default, "client" (as opposed to "agent") connection mode is assumed.

This class is fully cloneable and serializable. It is recommended that the type-safe TlsConfiguration.copy() method be used for cloning.

The following is a simple example of the usage of this class to configure TLS support on a client connection to a ZOS server:

    import com.novell.zos.tls.TlsConfiguration;
    import com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent;
    import com.novell.zos.grid.Credential;
    import com.novell.zos.toolkit.CredentialFactory;
    TlsConfiguration tlsConfig = new TlsConfiguration();
    Credential cred = CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential("user", "pass".toCharArray());
    ClientAgent client = ClientAgentFactory.newClientAgent("");
    System.out.println("Logged In");

If custom handling of unknown or mismatched server certificates is required by the client, then add a call to TlsConfiguration.setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks) with an instance of TlsCallbacks providing methods for handling each of those cases.

If certain TLS parameters will always be the same for all instances (i.e. they were specified on a global command line at JVM launch) then those parameters can be specified as "global defaults" using the "setDefault*" versions of the various methods of this class. This may be used to avoid passing global configuration parameters among many different objects.

ZOS 1.3
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          TLS level indicating that TLS will not be used by the client.
          TLS level indicating that TLS will be used by the client.
          TLS level indicating that TLS usage will be specified by the server.
Constructor Summary
          Create a new TlsConfiguration instance with default parameters.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Implement the Cloneable interface.
 TlsConfiguration copy()
          Create a new clone of the current instance.
 TlsCallbacks getCallbacks()
          Get the global default callbacks.
 String getCertificateFile()
          Return the certificate file base name for this instance.
 String getCertificatePath()
          Return the certificate directory path for this instance.
 long getConnectionTimeout()
          Set the connection timeout for this instance.
static TlsCallbacks getDefaultCallbacks()
          Get the global default callbacks.
static String getDefaultCertificateFile()
          Return the global default certificate file base name.
static String getDefaultCertificatePath()
          Get the global default TLS certificate directory.
static long getDefaultConnectionTimeout()
          Return the global default connection timeout.
static int getDefaultTlsLevel()
          Return the global default TLS configuration level.
static int getDefaultTlsPort()
          Return the global default TCP port for TLS connections.
 int getTlsLevel()
          Return the TLS configuration level for this instance.
 int getTlsPort()
          Return the TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.
 boolean isAgentMode()
          Return the agent mode flag for this instance.
static boolean isDefaultAgentMode()
          Return the global default agent mode.
static boolean isDefaultTlsAware()
          Returns the global default "TLS Aware" flag.
 boolean isTlsAware()
          Return the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.
 void setAgentMode(boolean mode)
          Set the agent mode flag for this instance.
 void setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks callbacks)
          Set the global default callbacks.
 void setCertificateFile(String filename)
          Set the certificate file base name for this instance.
 void setCertificatePath(String pathname)
          Set the certificate directory path for this instance.
 void setConnectionTimeout(long timeout)
          Set the connection timeout for this instance.
static void setDefaultAgentMode(boolean mode)
          Set the global default agent mode.
static void setDefaultCallbacks(TlsCallbacks callbacks)
          Set the global default callbacks.
static void setDefaultCertificateFile(String filename)
          Set the global default certificate file base name.
static void setDefaultCertificatePath(String pathname)
          Set the global default TLS certificate directory.
static void setDefaultConnectionTimeout(long timeout)
          Set the global default connection timeout.
static void setDefaultTlsAware(boolean aware)
          Set the global default "TLS Aware" flag.
static void setDefaultTlsLevel(int level)
          Set the global default TLS configuration level.
static void setDefaultTlsPort(int port)
          Set the global default TCP port for TLS connections.
 void setTlsAware(boolean aware)
          Set the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.
 void setTlsLevel(int level)
          Set the TLS configuration level for this instance.
 void setTlsPort(int port)
          Set the TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int TLS_LEVEL_DISABLED
TLS level indicating that TLS will not be used by the client.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TLS_LEVEL_ENABLED
TLS level indicating that TLS will be used by the client.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TLS_LEVEL_SERVER
TLS level indicating that TLS usage will be specified by the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TlsConfiguration()
Create a new TlsConfiguration instance with default parameters.

The new instance will be populated with the current global defaults.

Method Detail


public TlsConfiguration copy()
Create a new clone of the current instance.

Returns a new TlsConfiguration instance containing the same parameter values as the current instance.

A clone of the current instance.


public Object clone()
Implement the Cloneable interface.

Calls the TlsConfiguration.copy() method and returns the cloned copy as an Object instance. The preferred method to clone an instance is to call TlsConfiguration.copy(), since it is type-safe.

clone in class Object
A clone of the current instance.


public static void setDefaultCallbacks(TlsCallbacks callbacks)
Set the global default callbacks.

Sets the TlsCallbacks instance to use by default for certificate callbacks. TlsConfiguration.setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks) overrides this value on a per-instance basis.

If the callbacks instance is set to null, then no default callbacks are made on certificate exceptions.

callbacks - New global default callbacks instance.


public static TlsCallbacks getDefaultCallbacks()
Get the global default callbacks.

Returns the TlsCallbacks instance used by default for certificate callbacks. TlsConfiguration.setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks) overrides this value on a per-instance basis.

If the callbacks instance is set to null, then no default callbacks are made on certificate exceptions.

callbacks Current global default callbacks instance.


public void setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks callbacks)
Set the global default callbacks.

Sets the TlsCallbacks instance to use by default for certificate callbacks. TlsConfiguration.setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks) overrides this value on a per-instance basis.

If the callbacks instance is set to null, then no default callbacks are made on certificate exceptions.

callbacks - New global default callbacks instance.


public TlsCallbacks getCallbacks()
Get the global default callbacks.

Returns the TlsCallbacks instance used by default for certificate callbacks. TlsConfiguration.setCallbacks(TlsCallbacks) overrides this value on a per-instance basis.

If the callbacks instance is set to null, then no default callbacks are made on certificate exceptions.

callbacks Current global default callbacks instance.


public static void setDefaultCertificatePath(String pathname)
Set the global default TLS certificate directory.

Sets the static global default certificate directory path to pathname. The specified directory becomes the default certificate path for all new TlsConfiguration instances created after this static method is called.

pathname - The new global default certificate directory path.


public static String getDefaultCertificatePath()
Get the global default TLS certificate directory.

Returns the static global default certificate directory path set via a previous call to TlsConfiguration.setDefaultCertificatePath(String). If a default path has not yet been set then this method returns null. The global default certificate path is assigned as the certificate path for all new instances of this class.

The new global default certificate directory path.


public void setCertificatePath(String pathname)
Set the certificate directory path for this instance.

Sets the path name of the directory in which TLS certificates are found and stored. Filenames specified via the TlsConfiguration.setCertificateFile(String) method are relative to this path.

pathname - The certificate directory path for this instance.


public String getCertificatePath()
Return the certificate directory path for this instance.

Returns the path name of the directory in which TLS certificates are found and stored. Filenames specified via the TlsConfiguration.setCertificateFile(String) method are relative to this path.

If neither an instance certificate path nor a global default certificate path have been set, then this method returns null.

The certificate directory path for this instance.


public static void setDefaultCertificateFile(String filename)
Set the global default certificate file base name.

Sets the default base name for certificate files. This base name will be set as the default certificate file base name for all new instances of TlsConfiguration created after the call to this method.

filename - The default basename for certificate files.
See Also:
TlsConfiguration.setCertificateFile(String), TlsConfiguration.getCertificateFile()


public static String getDefaultCertificateFile()
Return the global default certificate file base name.

Returns the default base name for certificate files. All new instances of TlsConfiguration use the base name returned by this method as the default certificate file base name.

The default basename for certificate files.
See Also:
TlsConfiguration.setCertificateFile(String), TlsConfiguration.getCertificateFile()


public void setCertificateFile(String filename)
Set the certificate file base name for this instance.

Sets the base name of the server certificate file to use when establishing connections to the remote host. The full path to the certificate file may be obtained by concatenating the return value of TlsConfiguration.getCertificatePath() and TlsConfiguration.getCertificateFile().

filename - The new certificate base filename for this instance.


public String getCertificateFile()
Return the certificate file base name for this instance.

Returns the base name of the server certificate file to use when establishing connections to the remote host. The full path to the certificate file may be obtained by concatenating the return value of TlsConfiguration.getCertificatePath() and TlsConfiguration.getCertificateFile().

This method may return null if default or instance value of the certificate file name has yet been specified.

The certificate base filename for this instance.


public static void setDefaultTlsPort(int port)
                              throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the global default TCP port for TLS connections.

Sets the global port number to be used for all new instances of TlsConfiguration created after calling this method.

port - The global default TCP port number for TLS connections.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if port is not a valid TCP/IP port number in the range [0..65535].


public static int getDefaultTlsPort()
Return the global default TCP port for TLS connections.

Returns the global port number to be used for all new instances of TlsConfiguration.

The global default TCP port number for TLS connections.


public void setTlsPort(int port)
                throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.

Sets the TCP to be used when establishing a new TLS socket using this TlsConfiguration instance.

port - The TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if port is not a valid TCP/IP port number in the range [0..65535].


public int getTlsPort()
Return the TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.

Returns the TCP to be used when establishing a new TLS socket using this TlsConfiguration instance.

The TCP port to use for connections established via this instance.


public static void setDefaultConnectionTimeout(long timeout)
Set the global default connection timeout.

Sets the default connection timeout to use for all new instances of TlsConfiguration after the call to this method.

The connection timeout is used when creating a socket to place a hard limit on the time spent waiting for a connection to an unreachable remote host before aborting the connection attempt.

timeout - The global default connection timeout.


public static long getDefaultConnectionTimeout()
Return the global default connection timeout.

Returns the default connection timeout to use for all new instances of TlsConfiguration.

The connection timeout is used when creating a socket to place a hard limit on the time spent waiting for a connection to an unreachable remote host before aborting the connection attempt.

The global default connection timeout.


public void setConnectionTimeout(long timeout)
Set the connection timeout for this instance.

Sets the socket connection timeout for this instance.

The connection timeout is used when creating a socket to place a hard limit on the time spent waiting for a connection to an unreachable remote host before aborting the connection attempt.

timeout - The connection timeout for this instance.


public long getConnectionTimeout()
Set the connection timeout for this instance.

Sets the socket connection timeout for this instance.

The connection timeout is used when creating a socket to place a hard limit on the time spent waiting for a connection to an unreachable remote host before aborting the connection attempt.

The connection timeout for this instance.


public static void setDefaultTlsLevel(int level)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the global default TLS configuration level.

Sets the default TLS configuration level to use for all new instances of TlsConfiguration created after the call to this method.

The TLS configuration level is one of: TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_DISABLED, TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_ENABLED, or TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_SERVER.

level - The global default TLS configuration level.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if an unknown value is supplied for level


public static int getDefaultTlsLevel()
Return the global default TLS configuration level.

Returns the default TLS configuration level to use for all new instances of TlsConfiguration.

The TLS configuration level is one of: TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_DISABLED, TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_ENABLED, or TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_SERVER.

The global default TLS configuration level.


public void setTlsLevel(int level)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the TLS configuration level for this instance.

Sets the TLS configuration level for sockets established via this instance.

The TLS configuration level is one of: TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_DISABLED, TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_ENABLED, or TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_SERVER.

level - The TLS configuration level for this instance.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if an unknown value is supplied for level


public int getTlsLevel()
Return the TLS configuration level for this instance.

Returns the TLS configuration level for sockets established via this instance.

The TLS configuration level is one of: TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_DISABLED, TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_ENABLED, or TlsConfiguration.TLS_LEVEL_SERVER.

The TLS configuration level for this instance.


public static void setDefaultTlsAware(boolean aware)
Set the global default "TLS Aware" flag.

Sets the global "TLS Aware" flag to be used by all new instances of TlsConfiguration after the call to this method.

This flag can be used to enable and/or disable TLS functionality while also preserving user-specified TLS configuration parameters.

aware - Boolean value which, if true, indicates that the client is "TLS Aware".


public static boolean isDefaultTlsAware()
Returns the global default "TLS Aware" flag.

Returns the global "TLS Aware" flag to be used by all new instances of TlsConfiguration


This flag can be used to enable and/or disable TLS functionality while also preserving user-specified TLS configuration parameters.

Boolean value which, if true, indicates that the client is "TLS Aware".


public void setTlsAware(boolean aware)
Set the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.

Sets the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.

This flag can be used to enable and/or disable TLS functionality while also preserving user-specified TLS configuration parameters.

aware - If true, indicates that the client is "TLS Aware".


public boolean isTlsAware()
Return the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.

Returns the "TLS Aware" flag for this instance.

This flag can be used to enable and/or disable TLS functionality while also preserving user-specified TLS configuration parameters.

If true, indicates that the client is "TLS Aware".


public static void setDefaultAgentMode(boolean mode)
Set the global default agent mode.

Sets the global default agent mode to be used by all new instances of TlsConfiguration created after the call to this method.

The agent mode flag should only be set to true for the ZOS Agent. All other clients should use the default value of false to indicate ZOS "client mode".

mode - If true then the client is a ZOS node/agent.


public static boolean isDefaultAgentMode()
Return the global default agent mode.

Returns the global default agent mode to be used by all new instances of TlsConfiguration


The agent mode flag should only be set to true for the ZOS Agent. All other clients should use the default value of false to indicate ZOS "client mode".

If true then the client is a ZOS node/agent.


public void setAgentMode(boolean mode)
Set the agent mode flag for this instance.

Sets agent mode flag for this instance to indicate whether the client is a normal ZOS client or an agent/node.

The agent mode flag should only be set to true for the ZOS Agent/Node. All other clients should use the default value of false to indicate ZOS "client mode".

mode - If true then the client is a ZOS node/agent.


public boolean isAgentMode()
Return the agent mode flag for this instance.

Returns agent mode flag for this instance to indicate whether the client is a normal ZOS client or an agent/node.

The agent mode flag should only be set to true for the ZOS Agent/Node. All other clients should use the default value of false to indicate ZOS "client mode".

If true then the client is a ZOS node/agent.

Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.