Uses of Interface

Packages that use Constraint

Uses of Constraint in com.novell.zos.constraint

Subinterfaces of Constraint in com.novell.zos.constraint
 interface AndConstraint
          Perform a logical and-ing of all child constraints.
 interface BetweenConstraint
          Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side.
 interface BinaryConstraint
          Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side.
 interface ContainerConstraint
          Constainer constraints that perform logical aggregation operations on contained constraints.
 interface ContainsConstraint
          Performs a simple set operation that returns true is the right side of the operation is found in the value set of the left side.
 interface DefinedConstraint
          Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is defined in the match context.
 interface EqConstraint
          Performs a equality constraint operation.
 interface GeConstraint
          Performs a 'greater than or equal to' constraint operation.
 interface GtConstraint
          Performs a 'greater than' constraint operation.
 interface IfConstraint
          Perform a conditional if,then,else block.
 interface IncludeConstraint
 interface LeConstraint
          Performs a 'less than or equal to' constraint operation.
 interface LtConstraint
          Performs a 'less than' constraint operation.
 interface NeConstraint
          Performs a not equal constraint operation.
 interface NotConstraint
          Perform a logical not operation of all the child constraints.
 interface OperatorConstraint
          Operator constraints that perform camparision operation on facts.
 interface OrConstraint
          Perform a logical or-ing operation of all the child constraints.
 interface TypedConstraint
          Typed constraint must only be used as the outermost wrapper when it is necessary to override the default constraint type of 'resource'.
 interface UndefinedConstraint
          Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is not defined in the match contect.

Methods in com.novell.zos.constraint that return Constraint
 Constraint[] ContainerConstraint.getChildren()
          Retrieve the array of child Constraints.

Methods in com.novell.zos.constraint with parameters of type Constraint
 void ContainerConstraint.addChild(Constraint child)
          Add a child constraint.
 void IfConstraint.addElseChild(Constraint child)
          Add a child fail constraint.
 void IfConstraint.addThenChild(Constraint child)
          Add a child pass constraint.
 void ContainerConstraint.removeChild(Constraint child)
          Remove a child constraint.

Uses of Constraint in com.novell.zos.grid

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that return Constraint
 Constraint Message.GetGridObjects.getConstraint()
          The constraint used in search.

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid with parameters of type Constraint
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.

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