Uses of Class

Packages that use DataGridException

Uses of DataGridException in com.novell.zos.dataGrid

Subclasses of DataGridException in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
 class DataGridNotAvailableException
          Exception thrown if the data grid cannot be reached due to a network error.

Methods in com.novell.zos.dataGrid that throw DataGridException
 void GridFile.append(String data)
          Append the string data to the end of the grid file referenced by this path.
 void GridFile.follow(OutputStream out, OutputStream err, String watchJob, long maxUnchanged, long offset, long count, long interval, long refresh, long timeout, boolean lineMode, boolean retryMode, boolean quietMode, boolean nameMode, boolean countLines)
          Output and/or follow the contents of a grid file in real time.
 void GridFile.get(File localFile)
          Fetch the Data Grid file or directory to the local system.
 void GridFile.multicast(File localFile, DGLogger mclogger, String nodeId, long mcMin, long mcQuorum, long mcWait, long mcRate, boolean fallBack, boolean fallBackOnError)
          Attempt to fetch the specified file as part of a combined multicast transfer.
 void GridFile.put(File localFile)
          Store the specified local file or directory under the grid path referenced by this object.
 void GridFile.query()
          Force an immediate query on the data grid.

Uses of DataGridException in com.novell.zos.grid

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that throw DataGridException
 GridFile ClientAgent.gridFile(String gridFileName)
          Create an abstract Grid path object from a Data Grid URL string.

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