Uses of Interface

Packages that use GridFile

Uses of GridFile in com.novell.zos.dataGrid

Methods in com.novell.zos.dataGrid that return GridFile
 GridFile GridFile.getCanonicalFile()
          Return the unique absolute normalized path name for this object.
 GridFile GridFile.getParentFile()
          Return the "parent directory" object for this object's path.
 GridFile[] GridFile.listFiles()
          List files and subdirectories under the current directory.
 GridFile[] GridFile.listFiles(GridFileFilter filter)
          List files and subdirectories under the current directory using a filter.
 GridFile[] GridFile.listFiles(GridFileNameFilter filter)
          List files and subdirectories under the current directory using a filter.

Methods in com.novell.zos.dataGrid with parameters of type GridFile
 boolean GridFileFilter.accept(GridFile file)
          Returns true if file is to be included.
 boolean GridFileNameFilter.accept(GridFile dir, String name)
          Returns true if name is to be included.
 boolean GridFile.copyTo(GridFile dest)
          Copy a file or directory from one path to another.
 boolean GridFile.renameTo(GridFile dest)
          Move a file or directory from one path to another.

Uses of GridFile in com.novell.zos.grid

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that return GridFile
 GridFile[] ClientAgent.dir(String path)
          List files or directories in the datagrid.
 GridFile ClientAgent.gridFile(String gridFileName)
          Create an abstract Grid path object from a Data Grid URL string.

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