6.4 Model Your Consolidation Project

The Project Window (see Figure 6-1) is where you select which volumes and directories to copy and which Printer objects to move. The Project Window is divided into two panes that each show the trees that you are working in.

Figure 6-1 Server Consolidation Utility Project Window

You drag objects from the left pane and drop them into the right pane. You select volumes and directories to copy to different servers, and Printer Agents to move to different Print Managers. You can also create new eDirectory containers or file system folders by right-clicking on an existing container or folder and selecting New Container or New Folder from the pop-up menu.

Creating containers and folders and dragging-and-dropping objects in the Project Window does not immediately perform the action. It only creates a preview of where the files and objects will reside. The actions are completed only after the verification process is complete and the copy process begins.

Volume Drop Options

When you drag-and-drop volumes into the right pane of the Project Window, a Volume Drop Options dialog box displays. You must choose to either migrate the volume contents into the directory or volume that you selected or create a new directory with the name of the volume that is being moved.

  1. Click the radio button next to the option you want.

  2. Click OK.

Duplicate Folder Options

If you drag-and-drop a folder onto a destination folder of the same name, a Duplicate Folder Options dialog box displays. You have several options:

  1. Click the radio button next to the option you want.

  2. Click OK.

Other Project Window Options

In addition to dragging-and-dropping objects, you can perform several other tasks from the Project Window menu: