Perform Pre-Copy Verifications

After you have dragged-and-dropped the selected directories or volumes and have performed any other setup tasks, proceed by clicking Project > Verify and Copy Data or by clicking Do the Consolidation on the button bar. The Verification Wizard displays.

Begin the Verification

  1. Click Next to begin the verification process.

    The Dropped Folders dialog box displays, showing the source path and destination path for the dropped folders.

  2. Do one of the following:

    If you created new folders in the right pane of the Project window as part of your consolidation project, the Created Folders dialog box now displays.

  3. (Conditional) If prompted with the Create Folders dialog box, do one of the following:

The Duplicate File Resolution dialog box displays.

Resolve File Conflicts

If a file is found on the destination volume or directory that has the same name as a file being copied from the source, you must decide what to do. You have three options to choose from on the Duplicate File Resolution dialog box:

  1. Click the radio button next to the option you want.

  2. Click Next.

The Synchronize Files and Folders dialog box now displays.

Synchronize Files and Folders

In the Synchronize Files and Folders dialog box, you have the option to delete files and folders on the destination server that do not exist on the source server. Selecting Yes deletes all files and folders on the destination server that are not on the source server. No is the default selection.

  1. Click the radio button next to the option you want.

  2. Click Next.

The Compare Files and Folders dialog box now displays.

Compare Files and Folders

In the Compare Files and Folders dialog box, you have the option to compare files and folders between the source and destination servers after the copy process completes. Selecting Yes compares the following information between the source and destination files and folders:

If you select Yes, you are given the option of doing a binary comparison of the files after the copy process completes. A binary (byte-by-byte) comparison gives the greatest assurance that two files are identical, but it takes longer to complete.

  1. (Conditional) If you do not want to compare source and destination files after the copy process, click the No radio button.

  2. (Conditional) If you want to compare source and destination files after the copy process, click the Yes radio button.

  3. If you selected Yes in the previous step and if you want to perform a binary comparison of the files that were copied, check the Binary Comparison check box.

  4. Click Next.

The File Date Filters dialog box now displays.

Copy Files Based on Dates

In the File Date Filters dialog box, you have the option to copy files based on dates and three separate attributes:

If No is selected in this dialog box, all files are copied. If Yes is selected, date ranges can be entered for the file copy. You can select as many criteria as you would like, and only those files that meet all of the selected criteria are copied.

Two dates can be set for each attribute. The first date is an On or After date and the second is an On or Before date. For example, if you only check the On or Before check box and set the date for November 10, 2000, for the Accessed attribute, only those files accessed on or before November 10, 2000, are copied. In the same example, if you also check the On or After check box and set the date to October 1, 2000, only those files accessed on or after October 1, 2000, and on or before November 10, 2000, are copied.

  1. (Conditional) If you do not want to filter files based on dates, click the No radio button.

  2. (Conditional) If you want to filter based on dates, do the following:

    1. Click the Yes radio button.

    2. Check any of the available check boxes for the desired combination of file types and dates.

    To change the date from the default provided, check the box next to the desired date. Next, highlight with your mouse the portion of the date you want to change. Either type a new value using the keyboard number pad, or use the mouse to click the Up-and Down-arrows provided to the immediate right of the date field.

  3. Click Next.

The Wildcard Selection dialog box now displays.

Wildcard Selection

In the Wildcard Selection dialog box, you have the option to exclude specific file types or file names from the copy process.

A wildcard is a character that can be used to represent one or more characters in a search. The two most commonly used wildcards are

  1. Type the file extension types or filenames in the field provided. For multiple filenames or types, press Enter between each entry. Wildcards (* ?) are permitted.

    For example, if you want to exclude a specific file named test.txt from being copied, type test.txt in the field provided. If you want to exclude all .mp3 files from being copied, type *.mp3 in the field provided.

    Type as many filenames or file extension types as you want. Separate the filenames or file extensions by pressing Enter between each entry. Do not use spaces or commas to separate the entries. See the following examples:




    *.mp3 test.txt *.wav


    *.mp3, test.txt, *.wav

  2. Click Next.

If you are performing a consolidation between servers in different trees, the Check for Trustees and Ownerships dialog box now displays. If you are performing a consolidation between servers in a single tree, proceed to "Verify Password" on page 23.

Check for Trustees and Ownership

When you copy data from one tree to another, the Server Consolidation Utility searches the destination tree for trustees that match the source tree trustees of the copied data. Trustees that are potential matches are displayed and can be matched up during Match Up Tree Objects .

This check for trustees and ownerships must be performed the first time a consolidation is run. If a consolidation is run a second time, this search does not need to be repeated, as long as trustees have not been added to the source server and new directories or folders have not been dropped onto the destination server. If either has happened, another search is necessary. This trustee and ownership check slows down the verification process.

NOTE:  If a file has already been copied to the destination server or tree, that file's trustees are not updated during the consolidation unless the source file's date is more recent than the date on the destination file. The Server Consolidation Utility reads the file date to determine what to copy, and adding trustees to a file does not update the file date.

  1. Click Browse to select the destination container you want to search.

  2. Check the Search All Subordinate Containers check box to search all containers in the destination tree below, and including, the one you selected.

    Leaving the box unchecked searches only the selected destination container. For better performance, limit the search to the container that you believe the object resides in. Searching from Root takes significantly longer depending on the size of the destination tree.

  3. Click Next.

If consolidating data to an Nterprise Branch Office appliance, there is not an option to specify the container you want to search. Click the Yes or No radio button, then click Next.

The Password Verification dialog box now displays.

Verify Password

  1. In the Password Verification dialog box, enter the passwords for the source and destination trees in the fields provided.

    NOTE:  SMS is the back up and copy engine used by the Server Consolidation Utility. You enter your password here because SMS requires that the servers involved in the consolidation are authenticated to each other.

  2. Click Next.

The Novell Server Consolidation Verification dialog box now displays.

Check for Sufficient Disk Space and Disable Login

Before beginning to consolidate your data, you can verify that your destination volumes have enough space to accommodate the data that will be moved. Verifying disk space can be a long process if you have many files to copy.

You can also disable login on the source server before copying file data. Users already logged in to the source server are not logged out, but no new logins are allowed until the consolidation completes. If you disable login and the workstation running the consolidation project crashes for any reason during the consolidation, you might have to manually re-enable login on the source server console.

  1. To verify the available space on the destination volumes, check the Check for Sufficient Disk Space check box

  2. To have the utility disable login on the source server prior to copying data, check the Disable Login check box

  3. To begin the verification prior to copying the files and moving the printers, click Next

During the verification process, you might see a message informing you that an updated tsa.nlm or smdr.nlm must be copied for the consolidation to work. Click Yes to continue the project verification. Clicking No stops the consolidation.