This procedure lets you verify that Novell Storage Manager cleans up a user’s storage according to the user home folder policy that you created earlier.
Use Active Directory Users and Computers to delete TESTUSER2.
If you chose to delay the cleanup of user storage for a set amount of days in Step 11.b, open NSMAdmin, click the Main tab > Pending Events > Deferred to view any information indicating the deferred number of days for the storage cleanup.
Click Path Analysis.
In the left pane, browse to the location where the TESTUSER2 resided and verify that the folder has been deleted.
(Conditional) If you set your policy to vault deleted storage, browse to the location in the left pane where you chose to vault deleted storage in Step 11.c and verify that TESTUSER2 was vaulted:
If you set your policy to delay the cleanup of user storage for a set amount of days in Step 11.b, click Pending Events to view details on deferred action.
Right-click the listed deferred action, then select Properties. In the Properties dialog box, then verify that the Next Eligible Time displays a date that corresponds to the number of days you set in your policy for the deleted storage to be cleaned up.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
Because this is a test user, perform the storage cleanup immediately by once again right-clicking the listed deferred action and selecting Make Eligible.
Click Path Analysis and browse to the location in the left pane where you viewed the vaulted storage, then verify that the storage has been cleaned up.