4.2 Using a Custom Entry

Custom entries can be assigned to any folder, but you might want to configure specific folders for some types of custom entries, depending on their purpose. For example, you might want a folder that only contains the Time Off custom entries.

For the Time Off custom entry, assume that a team plans to create a special folder that only contains these specific entry types. The following procedures show you how to add this custom entry to a team folder and configure the folder to only utilize this entry type.

4.2.1 Configuring a Folder to Use Your Custom Entry

  1. Find the folder you want to use for the team’s Time Off entries (Engineering > Time Off Entries for this example procedure).

  2. Select the Manage > Configure menu item.

    Time Off Entries folder
  3. Under Allowed Views, select the Discussion folder viewed as a table and Discussion folder viewed as a list options, deselect any others, then click Apply.

    Allowed views
  4. Under Default view, select the Discussion folder viewed as a list option and click Apply.

    Default view
  5. Under Default entry types, select the Time Off entry type (deselect any others) and click Apply.

    Default entry types

    Users can now only enter Time Off entries in this folder.

  6. At the top or bottom of this window, click Close.

    Close button

4.2.2 Adding a Time Off Entry

  1. Select the New > Time Off menu item.

    New menu

    Time Off should be the only available menu item.

  2. Fill out the Time Off entry form.

    Type in Title, Reason, select your time off period Start and End dates (time), and type the Total Hours Off.

    Time Off entry form
  3. Click OK.

    The new entry is added to the Time Off folder.

    Time Off folder entry

4.2.3 View the Time Off Entry

  1. Click the title of the Time Off entry you want to view.

    Time off folder entry
  2. View the entry. You can see that it displays the elements selected for this custom view.

    Time Off entry view