1.3 Database Planning

Novell Teaming and Liferay* use separate dedicated databases within your database server. A set of SQL configuration scripts are used to initialize the databases (creating the necessary tables, etc.).

Novell Teaming’s default database for Linux and Windows is MySQL. Novell Teaming also supports SQL Server on Windows, and Oracle on Linux and Windows.

Novell Teaming’s database requirements are relatively modest. The bulk of the data uploaded to Novell Teaming is stored in a file repository (see File System Planning). The database is primarily used for storing metadata and descriptive text.

Because the amount of data stored in the database is highly sensitive to the usage patterns of Novell Teaming (which are highly variable) there is no reliable formula for determining disk space usage, but the following can be used as a guideline:

NOTE:The installer generates your database scripts for you, but if your DBA wants to create the databases by hand, the necessary scripts are provided in the kit. See Non-Local Database Setup.

See the following subsections:

1.3.1 MySQL

  • MySQL 5.0.26 (or higher) Server and Client for Linux or MySQL 5.0.26 (or higher) Server and Client for Windows are required with innodb support enabled.

    MySQL 5.1 is not yet supported. You can get the MySQL Community Server at: http://www.mysql.com/.

  • Specify root for the administrator password when you run the installer.

    The installer generates your database scripts for you, but if your DBA wants to create the databases by hand, the necessary scripts are provided in the kit. See Non-Local Database Setup.

  • Set the default character set to UTF-8 by selecting Best support for Multilingualism in the Windows Configuration window, or edit themy.cnf configuration file to the following:

    character_set_server = utf8
    default_character_set = utf8

    This file is usually located in /etc/my.cnf for Linux and in c:\my.cnf for Windows. See the MySQL documentation for details.

    WARNING:If you edit themy.cnf configuration file, double check your edit for any errors. A typo in this file could cause the Novell Teaming database that is creating during installation not to have UTF-8 support, which is important for extended characters.

1.3.2 Microsoft SQL Server

  • You can use SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005

  • Make sure to select SQL Server and Windows for authentication (the default is Windows only)

  • Set the administrator password to sa when you run the installer.

    NOTE:The installer generates your database scripts for you, but if your DBA wants to create the databases by hand, the necessary scripts are provided in the kit. See Non-Local Database Setup.

1.3.3 Oracle Database

  • Supported versions: Oracle 9, Oracle 10.

    Oracle’s default database name is orcl. We use this name in our examples. If you have chosen a different name, replace orcl with your database name.

  • Novell Teaming is enabled for Unicode and requires you to set up the Oracle Database Character Set to support Unicode character encodings. Novell Teaming requires either the UTF8 or AL32UTF8 character set for proper operation. Oracle recommends the use of AL32UTF8, because it has increased support for certain Asian languages. Consult your Oracle documentation for the choice that makes sense for your database.

  • To check your database character set, execute the following command with SQL*Plus:

  • Before you install the Novell Teaming application software, run the two Oracle database scripts. These are provided in the kit:

    1. These two scripts need to be accessible to the SQL*Plus utility and your database, so copy them to a location on your system path.

    2. Edit the supplied database scripts to set the passwords for the users (these are defined in the top few lines of each script).

      For example, in create-database-oracle.sql, you see:

      drop user sitescape cascade;
      create user sitescape identified by sitescape;
      grant connect, resource to sitescape;
      connect sitescape/sitescape; 
      • user sitescape indicates that sitescape is the name of the database created. Do not change this.

      • identified by sitescape declares that sitescape is the password for this database. Change this to the password you intend to use, such as identified by yourpassword and change the connect sitescape/sitescape to connect sitescape/yourpassword.

    3. Use the SQL*Plus utility with the SYSTEM account to run the scripts:

      sqlplus SYSTEM/systemPassword @create-oracle.sql
      sqlplus SYSTEM/systemPassword @create-database-oracle.sql 
      sqlplus> quit

1.3.4 Non-Local Database Setup

When installing the Novell Teaming software for the first time, one of the steps involves creating two databases: one for the portal and one for the Novell Teaming application. If your DBA wants to create the databases by hand, the necessary scripts are provided in the kit. This is required for Oracle. For more information, see Oracle Database.

The database scripts are in a database directory next to the installer:




When you run the installer, select the My DBA has already created the databases option in the Database selection window.