Like a personal e-mail Outbox for the Vibe site, users can configure a folder or external e-mail address to receive all e-mail messages that they send from the Vibe site. This can help users better track their activity.
To enable users to set up a folder or external e-mail address in this way, Vibe administrators must ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
Enable the Vibe site to allow incoming e-mail.
For information on how to enable Vibe to allow incoming e-mail, see Disabling/Enabling Inbound E-Mail Postings
in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Administration Guide.
Reset definitions on the Vibe site if the Vibe site was upgraded from a version of Vibe prior to 3.1. If you are installing Vibe 3.1 or later as a new installation, you do not need to reset the definitions.
For information on how to reset the definitions, see Resetting Your Definitions
in Update
in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Installation Guide.
NOTE:If you have made customizations to definitions throughout the Vibe site and you do not want your customizations to be overwritten, you can manually add a field to the User Profile form, rather than resetting the definitions for the Vibe site. To do this, add the Section 3.2.4, Customizing the Default User Profile View.
element to the section of the for the User Profile. For more information on how to modify the User Profile definition, seeFor more information on how users can configure folders to receive sent e-mails, see Setting Up a Folder or External E-Mail Address to Receive All Sent E-Mail Messages
in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Advanced User Guide.