C.2 Downloading and Installing Memcached

NOTE:You should run memcached only on a SUSE Linux operating system. 64-bit is recommended.

Memcached is included with the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. You simply need to install it on each Vibe Tomcat node as you would any other Linux package.

If you do not have the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension, you can download and install memcached by completing the following steps on each node in the Vibe cluster.

  1. Navigate to the openSUSE Software Download page.

  2. In the Search field, type memcached, then click Search.

  3. Download the RPM file after it is returned in the search results.

  4. Install the downloaded RPM file.

  5. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 on each Vibe node in the cluster.

  6. Continue with Section C.3, Configuring Memcached.