6.13 Enabling Graphics to Be Used on a Landing Page

Before you can add a graphic to a landing page, as described in Adding a Graphic, you need to attach the graphic to the workspace or folder, depending on whether your landing page is on a workspace or folder.

6.13.1 Enabling Graphics to Be Used on a Workspace Landing Page

  1. Navigate to the landing page where you want to attach the graphic.

  2. Click the Configure icon next to the workspace title, then click Edit Workspace.

  3. In the Attachments section, click Browse, then browse to and select the graphic that you want to add.

  4. After the file is selected and is displayed in the Attachments field, click OK.

To delete a file from the workspace:

  1. In the Current Attached Files section, select the file that you want to delete.

  2. Click OK.

6.13.2 Enabling Graphics to Be Used on a Folder Landing Page

Adding the Attachment Element to the Folder Form

You should have already added the Landing Page element to both the folder Form and View in order to create a landing page for a folder. (For more information, see Section 6.16, Creating a Landing Page for a Folder.)

To enable graphics to be used on your folder landing page:

  1. Add the Attachments element to the folder Form, as described in Section 8.3, Modifying an Existing Folder View.

    You do not need to add the Attachments element to the folder View, because this element should only be displayed on the folder Form.

  2. Continue with Attaching the Graphic to the Folder.

Attaching the Graphic to the Folder

  1. Navigate to the landing page where you want to attach the graphic.

  2. Click the Configure icon next to the folder title, then click Edit Folder.

  3. In the Attachments section, click Browse, then browse to and select the graphic that you want to add.

  4. After the file is selected and is displayed in the Attachments field, click OK.

To delete a file from the folder:

  1. In the Current Attached Files section, select the file that you want to delete.

  2. Click OK.