1.5 Following Users and Groups

You can follow users and groups that interest you. When you follow users and groups, the most recent messages from those users and groups are displayed in your BigList.

Depending on a user’s permission settings, he or she might need to approve you as a follower. For information on how to change permissions to require approval when someone follows you, see Section 9.5, Limiting Users from Following You without Your Permission.

For more information about users you are following, see Section 3.0, Managing Users You Are Following.

For more information about groups, see Section 4.0, Managing Groups.

You can begin following a user or group in one of two ways:

1.5.1 Following a User or Group from the BigList

  1. Mouse over the user’s name or group’s name that you want to follow, then click Follow.

    The user or group is now displayed in the Navigation panel, and messages from the user or group are displayed in your BigList.

1.5.2 Searching for Users and Groups to Follow

  1. Click Find People and Groups in the Navigation panel.

  2. Locate the user or group that you want to follow, then click Follow.

    The user or group is now displayed in the Navigation panel, and messages from the user or group are displayed in your BigList.