12.2 Installing on Linux/UNIX

  1. Log in as a user with installation rights on the device.

  2. Make sure you have downloaded the correct Inventory-Only module package to the target device. If you haven’t, see Section 12.1, Downloading Module from the ZENworks Server.

  3. Create a temporary directory to unpack the installation files in. Do not use /tmp as the temporary installation directory; it interferes with the package installation. You can, however, create a separate directory under /tmp, such as /tmp/zaaio.

  4. Move the downloaded package to the directory created in Step 3.

  5. At a command prompt, change to the location of the Inventory-Only module package file.

  6. Unpack the Inventory-Only module package by running the following command, using the Linux package as an example, from the directory in which the package is located:

    tar -zxvf zaaio-10.3.0-linux-x86.tar.gz

  7. Using the Linux package as an example, install the Inventory-Only module by running the ./zenumia-install.sh -s <server> command, from the directory in which the file is located. Where server is the DNS name or IP address of a ZENworks Server.

    If the Inventory-Only agent has a non-default port, add the default port number after the DNS name or IP address of a ZENworks Server, by running the ./zenumia-install.sh -s <server> <default port number> command. Where server is the DNS name or IP address of a ZENworks server and the default port number is either 80 or 443.

    If you are installing the Inventory-Only agent on a 64-bit UNIX or Linux machine where the default 32-bit libraries are not already available, then make sure you first install the following openssl and libopenssl rpms manually on the agent:

    • libssl.so.0.9.(7-9) or libssl.so.1.0.0 in the /usr/lib or /lib path

    • libcrypto.so.0.9.(7-9) or libcrypto.so.1.0.0 in the /usr/lib or /lib path

      If you are prompted to install curl or expat, then manually install the following rpms on the agent:

    • libcurl.so.(2-9) in the /usr/lib path

    • libexpat.so.0 in the /usr/lib path

    The installation program requires no user interaction. When it is finished, the Inventory-Only module is started and the device is added to the Inventoried devices page in ZENworks Control Center (Devices tab > Inventoried tab > Workstations or Servers folder).

  8. Delete the directory created in Step 3 and its contents.