Configuring the Inventory Database for Oracle

The following sections explain how to configure the Inventory database for Oracle; in this setup, the Inventory database is not mounted with other Oracle databases.

Configuring the Inventory Database for Oracle on a NetWare Server

You must manually install the Inventory database for Oracle on NetWare servers.

Prerequisites for configuring the database include the following:

To configure the database:

  1. Extract the INVORACLE8INW.ZIP file from the \ZENWORKS\PRODUCTS\DATABASE\ORACLE directory in the ZfD 3.2 Program CD to any volume other than SYS: on the NetWare server.

    After extraction, you will see the following list of system files and Database Space files in this directory.

    Filenames Contents Description


    Table spaces that contain the inventory information for ZfD


    Oracle control file


    Database startup file


    Online Redo log file


    Rollback segment file containing table space for rollback


    SYS schema file containing the data dictionary


    Temporary table space


    Contains the Inventory database site name


    Contains the location of the database startup file


    Contains the location of table spaces


    ZfD Inventory database startup file for Oracle on NetWare


    Contains the Oracle log files

  2. Copy the MGMTDBO.NCF file from volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the database server.

    where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

  3. Specify the site details of the database.

    1. Copy the _DBINIT.SQL file from volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the database server.

      where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

    2. Edit the following lines in the _DBINIT.SQL file to specify the site ID and site name for the database:



      where site_ID uniquely identifies the database and 'site_name' provides a description for the database site.

      If you do not specify the site ID, the default values specified in the file apply.

    3. Save the changes you make.

  4. Create the Oracle Control file.

    1. Edit the ALTERCTRL.SQL file located in volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to specify the path to which you have extracted the .ZIP file.

      where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

      For example, modify the existing DATA:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE path to ORACLE:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE in ALTERCTRL.SQL.

      In this .SQL file, modify the path for these parameters, if required.

      startup nomount pfile=oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\INIT.ORA

      logfile group 1 'oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\log1.ora' size 256K,

      logfile group 2 'oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\log2.ora' size 256K

      datafile 'oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\sys1.ora',












    2. Save the changes.

    3. Edit the INIT.ORA file located in volume\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE to specify the path to which you have extracted the .ZIP file.

      where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

      Modify the path for the following parameters:




    4. Save the changes.

    5. To load Oracle, enter oraload.

    6. To load the Oracle Server Manager, enter svrmgr31.

      Connect as an administrator. For example, if the administrator's internal name is internal, enter connect internal/password_for_administrator at the Server Manager prompt.

  5. Enter shutdown normal.

  6. At the Server Manager prompt, enter @complete_path_of_alterctrl.sql\alterctrl.

    You should see the window, which indicates that the database is mounted and loaded.

  7. To exit the Server Manager, enter exit.

  8. Copy volume\ZFD3\ORACLE\_START.SQL to SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the database server.

    where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

    1. Edit the _START.SQL file to specify the location of the INIT.ORA file in the following parameter.

      startup pfile=location_of_the_INIT.ORA\INIT.ORA

  9. Load the Inventory database. At the database server console, enter mgmtdbo > type the password for the Database Administrator (DBA).

  10. Initialize the database.

    1. To load the Oracle Server Manager, enter svrmgr31.

      To connect to the database, at the Server Manager prompt, enter connect mw_dba/novell.

    2. At the Server Manager prompt, enter @sys:\system\_dbinit.sql. This command initializes the database.

    3. To verify that the initialization was successful: at the Server Manager prompt, enter select getsiteid() from dual; to display the site ID of the database. To display the site name of the database, enter select * from;

    4. At the Server Manager prompt, enter disconnect.

    5. To exit the Server Manager, enter exit.

Configuring the Inventory Database for Oracle on a Windows NT/2000 Server

You must manually install the Inventory database for Oracle on Windows NT/2000 servers.

Prerequisites for configuring the database include the following:

To configure the database:

  1. Extract the INVORACLE8INT.ZIP file from the \ZENWORKS\PRODUCTS\DATABASE\ORACLE directory located in the ZfD 3.2 Program CD to a drive, which preferably has NTFS.

    After extraction, you will see the following list of system files and Database Space files in this directory:

    Filenames/Directory Contents Description


    Table spaces that contain the inventory information for ZfD


    Oracle control file


    Database startup file


    Online Redo log file


    Rollback segment file containing table space for rollback


    SYS schema file containing the data dictionary


    Temporary table space


    Contains the Inventory database site name


    Contains the location of the database startup file


    Contains the location of table spaces


    ZfD Inventory database startup file for Oracle on Windows NT/2000


    Contains the Oracle log files

  2. Specify the site details of the database.

    1. Edit the following lines in the _DBINIT.SQL file to specify the site ID and site name for the database.



      where site_ID uniquely identifies the database, and 'site_name' provides a description for the database site.

      If you do not specify a site ID, the default values specified in the file apply.

    2. Save the changes you make.

  3. Create the Oracle Control file.

    1. Edit the ALTERCTRL.SQL located in drive\ZFD3\ORACLE to specify the path strings to which you have extracted the file.

      where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

      For example, modify the existing D:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE path to C:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE in ALTERCTRL.SQL.

      In this .SQL file, modify the path for these parameters, if required.

      startup nomount pfile=c:\zfd3\oracle\database\INIT.ORA

      logfile group 1 'c:\zfd3\oracle\database\log1.ora' size 256K,

      logfile group 2 'c:\zfd3\oracle\database\log2.ora' size 256K














    2. Save the changes.

    3. Edit the INIT.ORA located in drive\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE.

      where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

      Modify the path for the following parameters:




    4. Save the changes.

    5. Ensure that Oracle is loaded on the database server.

    6. Load the Oracle Server Manager, click Start from the Windows taskbar > Run > enter svrmgrl.

      Connect as an administrator. For example, if the administrator's internal name is internal, at the Server Manager prompt, enter connect internal/password_for_administrator.

    7. Enter shutdown normal.

    8. At the Server Manager prompt, enter @complete_path_of_alterctrl.sql\alterctrl.

      You should see the window, which indicates that the database is mounted and loaded.

    9. To exit the Server Manager, enter exit.

  4. Copy drive\ZFD3\ORACLE\_START.SQL to the \ZFD3\ORACLE on the database server. where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

    1. Edit the _START.SQL file to specify the location of the INIT.ORA file in the following parameter.

      startup pfile=location_of_INIT.ORA\INIT.ORA

  5. Load the Inventory database: At the database server from the path where the MGMTDBO.BAT is located, enter mgmtdbo.

  6. Type the password for the Database Administrator (DBA).

  7. Initialize the database.

    1. To load the Oracle Server Manager, enter svrmgrl. To connect to the database, enter connect mw_dba/novell at the Server Manager prompt.

    2. To initialize the database, enter @complete_location_of_dbinit.sql\dbinit.sql at the Server Manager prompt

    3. To verify that the initialization was successful, enter select getsiteid() from dual; at the Server Manager prompt.

      To display the site ID of the database, enter select * from to display the site name of the database.

    4. At the Server Manager prompt, enter disconnect.

    5. To exit the Server Manager, enter exit.

Loading the Inventory Database as a Separate Oracle Instance

The following sections explain the steps for configuring and running multiple Oracle* 8i database instances:

Configuring and Running Multiple Oracle Database Instances on a NetWare 5.x Server

Prerequisites for configuring the database include the following:

To configure and run multiple Oracle database instances:

  1. Unload Oracle. At the database server prompt, enter oraunld.

  2. Invoke the Net8 configuration utility. At the database server prompt, run easycfg.ncf to load the Net8 Easy configuration window.

  3. Define a unique Oracle instance.

    1. Click Config > Listener > Database > Add.

    2. Assign values for Database Instance and Database Name in the Adding Instances Address window.

      For example, assign Database Instance=zfd3 and Database Name=mgmtdb. In this configuration, the database instance is zfd3. You can specify any database instance name. The Database Domain field should be left blank.

    3. Click Accept > Save.

  4. Configure the Listener for IPC. To run an Oracle system, the IPC and TCP addresses should be already be configured.

    1. Click Config > Listener > Address. Ensure that IPC and TCP addresses are configured for the server.

      The setting for IPC is servername_LSNR, and TCP is IPaddress or hostname. If these settings exist, click Cancel. Otherwise, assign the values for these settings > click Save.

  5. Create an IPC alias.

    1. Click Config > Database Alias. The window will list the aliases for IPC, SPX, TCP, and others. Click Add to add an alias name for the new instance.

      Enter the following details:

      • Database Alias: servername-databaseinstance-IPC. For example, the database alias is austr, where austr is the servername, zfd3 is the database instance created earlier.

      • Protocol: IPC

      • Service/Host Name or Key Name: server_name_LSNR

      • Database Instance: zfd3

    2. Click Accept > Save.

    3. To verify the configured alias name in the list window: Click Config > Database Alias > select the newly created alias > click View.

      View the properties of the database alias. Ensure that the properties are correct.If the property settings are incorrect, delete the alias (click Delete) and repeat the step 5.

  6. Exit the EasyCfg tool. Click Config > Exit.

  7. Create a password file for logging as Internal user for this instance. Enter load orapwd81 file=oracle_volume:oracle_home\database\pwddatabase_instance.ora password=password entries=2 where oracle_volume is the NetWare volume name of your Oracle installation, PWDdatabase_instance.ORA is the password file name, and password is any password that you specify.

    For example, load orapwd81 file=oracle:\orahome1\database\pwdzfd3.ora password=mgmtdb entries=2. This password file will be created in the oracle_volume:\DATABASE directory. Ensure that the file exists in the directory.

  8. Load the Oracle NLMTM software. At the database server prompt, enter oraload.

  9. To set the newly created ZfD instance, load the Oracle Server Manager. At the database server prompt, enter svrmgr31.

  10. Enter the following commands: set instance servername-databaseinstance. For example, set instance austr-zfd3-ipc. This displays that the newly created ZfD3 instance is started.

  11. Enter connect internal/password where password is the password created in Step 7.

  12. Mount the Inventory database. Extract the INVORACLE8INW.ZIP file from the \ZENWORKS\PRODUCTS\DATABASE\ORACLE directory in the ZfD 3.2 Program CD to any volume other than SYS: on the NetWare server. After extraction, you will see the following list of system files and Database Space files in this directory.

    Filenames Contents Description


    Table spaces that contain the inventory information for ZfD


    Oracle control file


    Database startup file


    Online Redo log file


    Rollback segment file containing table space for rollback


    SYS schema file containing the data dictionary


    Temporary table space


    Contains the Inventory database site name


    Contains the location of the database startup file


    Contains the location of table spaces


    ZENworks Inventory database startup file for Oracle on NetWare


    Contains the Oracle log files

  13. Copy the MGMTDBO.NCF file from volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the database server, where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

  14. Specify the site details of the database. Copy the _DBINIT.SQL file from volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the database server, where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

  15. Edit the following lines in the _DBINIT.SQL file to specify the site ID and site name for the database:



    where site_ID uniquely identifies the database and 'site_name' provides a description for the database site. If you do not specify the site ID, the default values specified in the file apply. Save the changes you make.

  16. Create the Oracle Control file. Edit the ALTERCTRL.SQL file located in volume\ZFD3\ORACLE to specify the path to which you have extracted the .ZIP file, where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted. For example, modify the existing DATA:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE path to ORACLE:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE in ALTERCTRL.SQL. In this .SQL file, modify the path for these parameters, if required.

    startup nomount pfile=oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\INIT.ORA

    logfile group 1 'oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\log1.ora' size 256K,

    logfile group 2 'oracle:\zfd3\oracle\database\log2.ora' size 256K,













  17. Save the changes.

  18. Edit the INIT.ORA file located in volume\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE to specify the path to which you have extracted the .ZIP file.

    where volume is the volume on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

    Modify the path for the following parameters:




    Save the changes.

    At the Server Manager prompt, enter @complete_path_of_ alterctrl.sql\alterctrl

    You should see the window, which indicates that the database is mounted and loaded.

    Exit the Server Manager. Enter exit.

  19. Modify the _START.SQL file located in SYS:\SYSTEM. Enter the following lines in the file:

    set instance servername-databaseinstance-IPC

    shutdown normal

  20. Create the Database object. In ConsoleOne, right-click a location in the tree for the Database object > click New > Object > ZENworks Database > OK.

  21. Type a name for the Database object > click OK

  22. Configure the Database Server options of the Database object. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Database object > click Properties > click ZENworks Database.

  23. Browse for the DN of the server or type the IP address of the server.

  24. Type the values for the following options:

    • Database (Read-Write) User Name: MW_DBA

    • Database (Read-Write) Password: novell

  25. Click OK.

  26. Ensure that the JDBC Driver properties are correct for your database configuration. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Database object > click Properties > Jdbc Driver Information > Populate Fields with Default Values for an Oracle Database > Populate Now.

    The database settings for Oracle are:

    • Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    • Protocol: jdbc:

    • SubProtocol: oracle:

    • SubName: thin:@

    • Port: 1521

    • SID Service Name (Service ID of the Oracle database): orcl. The value for the SID is the same as assigned for the Database Instance. See Step 5.

  27. Click OK.

  28. At the database server prompt, enter mgmtdbo > enter the password created in Step 7.

  29. Start other Oracle database instances. Run the Oracle Server Manager, set the applications instance, and mount the database.

If you are loading multiple databases in separate Oracle instances, then each database reserves a separate Oracle SGA memory, where Oracle keeps all the database resources. In such environments, you should increase the amount of memory on the server. Refer to the documentation provided by Oracle.

Configuring and Running Multiple Oracle Database Instances on a Windows NT/2000 Server

Prerequisites for configuring the database include the following:

To configure and run Oracle instances:

  1. At the database server, run the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant. From the desktop Start menu, click Programs > Oracle > Database Administration > Oracle Database Configuration Assistant.

  2. Click Create a Database > Next > Typical > Next > Copy Existing Database Files from the CD > Next.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Global Database Alias: mgmtdb.your_windows_nt/2000_name

    • SID: The value is automatically filled as mgmtdb.

  4. Click Finish.

    This allows for Oracle database creation. This process takes a significant amount of time. Ensure that the OracleServiceMGMTDB service is created and started.

  5. Load the Inventory database.

    Run the Oracle Server Manager. From the desktop menu, click Start > Run > SVRMGRL. Enter the following commands:

    set instance mgmtdb

    connect internal/password_for_administrator

  6. Mount the Inventory database.

    Extract the INVORACLE8INT.ZIP file from the \ZENWORKS\PRODUCTS\DATABASE\ORACLE directory located in the ZfD 3.2 Program CD to a drive, which preferably has NTFS.

    After extraction, you will see the following list of system files and Database Space files in this directory:

    Filenames/Directory Contents Description


    Table spaces that contain the inventory information for ZfD


    Oracle control file


    Database startup file


    Online Redo log file


    Rollback segment file containing table space for rollback


    SYS schema file containing the data dictionary


    Temporary table space


    Contains the Inventory database site name


    Contains the location of the database startup file


    Contains the location of table spaces


    ZENworks Inventory database startup file for Oracle on Windows NT/2000


    Contains the Oracle log files

  7. Specify the site details of the database.

  8. Edit the following lines in the _DBINIT.SQL file to specify the site ID and site name for the database.



    where site_ID uniquely identifies the database, and ' site_name' provides a description for the database site. If you do not specify a site ID, the default values specified in the file apply.

  9. Save the changes you make.

  10. Create the Oracle Control file.

  11. Edit the ALTERCTRL.SQL file located in drive\ZFD3\ORACLE to specify the path strings to which you have extracted the file, where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

    For example, modify the existing D:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE path to C:\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE in ALTERCTRL.SQL.

  12. In this .SQL file, modify the path for these parameters, if required.

    startup nomount pfile=c:\zfd3\oracle\database\INIT.ORA

    logfile group 1 'c:\zfd3\oracle\database\log1.ora' size 256K,

    logfile group 2 'c:\zfd3\oracle\database\log2.ora' size 256K datafile













  13. Save the changes.

  14. Edit the INIT.ORA located in drive\ZFD3\ORACLE\DATABASE, where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted.

  15. Modify the path for the following parameters:




  16. Save the changes.

  17. Ensure that Oracle is loaded on the database server.

  18. Load the Oracle Server Manager. Click Start from the Windows taskbar > Run > enter svrmgrl.

  19. Connect as an administrator. For example, if the administrator's internal name is internal, enter connect internal/password_for_ administrator at the Server Manager prompt.

  20. Enter shutdown normal.

    At the Server Manager prompt, enter @complete_path_of_alterctrl.sql\alterctrl.

    You should see the window that indicates that the database is mounted and loaded.

    Enter exit to exit the Server Manager.

  21. Copy drive\ZFD3\ORACLE\_START.SQL to the \ZFD3\ORACLE directory on the database server, where drive is the drive on which the .ZIP file was extracted. Modify the _START.SQL file. Enter the following line in the file:

    set instance mgmtdb

    shutdown normal

  22. Modify the properties of the database object. Create the Database object. In ConsoleOne, right-click a location in the tree for the Database object > click New > Object > ZENworks Database > OK.

  23. Type a name for the Database object > click OK.

  24. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Database object > click Properties > ZENworks Database.

  25. Browse for the DN of the server or type the IP address of the server.

  26. Type the values for the following options:

    • Database (Read-Write) User Name: MW_DBA

    • Database (Read-Write) Password: novell

  27. Click OK.

  28. Ensure that the JDBC Driver properties are correct as per your database configuration. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Database object > click Properties > Jdbc Driver Information > Populate Fields with Default Values for an Oracle Database > click Populate Now.

    The database settings for Oracle are:

    • Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    • Protocol: jdbc:

    • SubProtocol: oracle:

    • SubName: thin:@

    • Port: 1521

    • SID Service Name (Service ID of the Oracle database): mgmtdb. The value for the SID is the same as assigned for the Database Instance. See Step 5.

  29. At the database server console, from the path where the MGMTDBO.BAT(\ZFD3\ORACLE) is located, enter mgmtdbo > enter the password for the Database Administrator (DBA).

  30. Start other Oracle database instances. Run the Oracle Server Manager, set the applications instance, and mount the database.

If you are loading multiple databases in separate Oracle instances, then each database reserves a separate Oracle SGA memory, where Oracle keeps all the database resources. In such environments, you should increase the amount of memory on the server. Refer to the documentation provided by Oracle.

Loading the Oracle Database on a NetWare Server

On NetWare servers, the MGMTDBO.NCF file in the SYS:\SYSTEM directory loads the Inventory database, MGMTDB (db_name), which is maintained in Oracle.

To load the database:

  1. Enter mgmtdbo, at the server console > type the password for the Database Administrator (DBA).

Loading the Oracle Database on a Windows NT/2000 Server

To load the Inventory database, MGMTDB (db_name) on a Windows NT/2000 server:

  1. Enter mgmtdbo at the database server console, from the path where the MGMTDBO.BAT(\ZFD3\ORACLE) is located > enter the password for the Database Administrator (DBA).