Either the machine could not be woken up or it did not respond

Source:  Remote Wake Up

Severity:  Important

Explanation:  The remote node was not in the soft-off power state.

Explanation:  The network interface card on the remote node is not Wake on LAN* enabled.

Explanation:  The remote node was not powered up.

Explanation:  The remote node was powered up, but the Wake on LAN status agent did not start.

When you install the Remote Management Agent, the Wake on LAN status agent is also installed. The Wake on LAN status agent responds to the magic packet it receives. See Installing the Remote Management Component in Remote Management in Getting Started.

Explanation:  The remote node was powered up and the status agent started, but the agent was not able to send a response.

Action:  Ensure that the prerequisites for Remote Wake Up are met. See Understanding Remote Wake Up in Understanding Remote Management Components in Administration.

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