3.2 Understanding the Sandboxing Behaviour for Preboot Bundles

ZENworks introduces a new change management capability for bundles, allowing you to make changes to them with minimum disruption to IT services. You can now create a bundle as a sandbox. Also, any change made to the published version of the bundle creates a sandbox. The sandbox is available only to devices or users that have been flagged as test. This allows you to test the changes made to a bundle on a test device before rolling out the changes into the production environment. If the test results are satisfactory, you can publish the sandbox, or you can discard the changes by reverting the sandbox. The published version is available to all the assigned devices and users that have been flagged as non-test. This ensures that all the devices in the network always receive the same version of a bundle or policy.

For detailed information about how to test and use bundle change management, see the ZENworks Software Distribution Reference.

Review the following scenarios to understand the bundle change management (Sandboxing) behavior for Preboot bundles:

3.2.1 Scenario: Taking or Restoring the ZENworks Image for Registered Devices (with or without Rule-Based Imaging)

  • If you create a Preboot bundle with the default options to either take or restore an image, a published version of the bundle is created. By default, bundle is created as sandbox version.

  • If you select the Create as Sandbox option (on the Summary page) while creating the Preboot bundle, the ZENworks Image bundle is created as a sandbox.

  • On applying the published version of a Preboot bundle to a managed device, all the actions configured in the latest published version are applied to the device.

  • On applying the sandbox version of a Preboot bundle to a managed device that is a test device, all the actions configured in the sandbox version of the bundle are applied to the device.

  • On applying a Preboot bundle that has both the sandbox and published versions to a managed device:

    • If the managed device is a non-test device, all the actions configured in the latest published version of the bundle are applied to the device.

    • If the managed device is a test device, all the actions configured in the sandbox version of the bundle are applied to the device.

  • On applying a Preboot bundle with only the published version to a test device, all the actions configured in the latest published version of the bundle are applied to the device.

  • On applying a Preboot bundle with only the sandbox version to a non-test device, no action is performed and the device exits from PXE mode.

3.2.2 Scenario: Restoring an Image on Unmanaged Devices By Using a Hardware Rule

  • If you create a Preboot bundle with the default options to restore an image, a published 0 version of the bundle is created. By default, bundle is created as sandbox.

  • If you select the Create as Sandbox option (on the Summary page) while creating the bundle, the ZENworks Image bundle is created as a sandbox.

  • On applying the published version of a Preboot bundle to an unmanaged device, the device loads the ZENworks distro and the image is restored.

  • On applying a Preboot bundle with only the sandbox version to an unmanaged device, no action is performed and the device exits from PXE mode.

  • On applying a Preboot bundle that has both the sandbox and published versions to an unmanaged device, the latest published version of the bundle is applied to the device.

  • If any hardware rule is applied on a managed device, unless the Apply Rule Based Imaging Bundle is selected from the action menu for the device, no action is performed and the device exits from the PXE mode.

  • If a device is registered to a different zone, it exits from the PXE mode. If you want to force the hardware rule on this device, clear the ISD data.

3.2.3 Scenario: Configuring Multicasting Device Images

  • If you create a Multicast Image Set bundle with the default options, a published 0 version of the bundle is created. By default, bundle is created as sandbox.

  • If you select the Create as Sandbox option (on the Summary page) while creating the bundle, the Multicast Image Set bundle is created as a sandbox.

  • The normal devices load the ZENworks distro and receive the published version of the bundle.

  • The test devices load the ZENworks distro and receive the sandbox version of the bundle. The multicast session on the test device is prepended with the word sandbox.

3.2.4 Scenario: Restoring a Bundle on a Test or Non-Test Device Booted in the Manual Mode

  • To restore the sandbox version of the bundle on a test or non-test device booted from the imaging boot media in manual mode, execute the following command:

    img -rp -IP= <IP address of the Imaging Server> -b=<bundlename> -sandbox

  • To restore the published version of the bundle on a test or non-test device booted from the imaging boot media in manual mode, execute the following command:

    img -rp -IP= <IP address of Imaging Server> -b=<bundlename>

3.2.5 Scenario: Applying the Published Version of Both the Preboot Bundle and the Application Bundle (Add-On Image) to a Test Device and to a Non-Test Device

  • By default, an add-on image (copy-guid-00X.zmg) file is created in the content-repo directory of the selected Imaging server.

  • If you apply the bundle to a test device, the device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

  • If you apply the bundle to a non-test device, the device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

3.2.6 Scenario: Applying the Published Version of the Preboot Bundle and the Sandbox Version of the Application Bundle (Add-On Image) to a Test Device and to a Non-Test Device

  • By default, an add-on image (copy-guid-00X.zmg) file is created in the content-repo directory of the selected Imaging server.

  • If you apply the bundle to a test device, the device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

  • If you apply the bundle to a non-test device, the device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

3.2.7 Scenario: Applying the Sandbox Version of Both the Preboot Bundle and the Application Bundle (Add-On Image) to a Test Device and to a Non-Test Device

  • The test device receives the sandbox version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

  • The non-test device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.

3.2.8 Scenario: Applying the Sandbox Version of the Preboot Bundle and the Published Version of the Application Bundle (Add-On Image) to a Test Device and to a Non-Test Device

  • The test device receives the sandbox version of the Preboot bundle and the published version of Linked Application bundle.

  • The non-test device receives the published version of both the Preboot bundle and the Linked Application bundle.