2.9 Application Only File Scans

When you configure scans in one of the Antimalware policies, you can select an option to scan Applications only. This option includes a default list of file types that will be scanned when applicable to the policy-assigned device. You can add additional file types to this list by modifying a configuration file and distributing it to managed devices where the policy is deployed.

2.9.1 How to Customize the Scan List

To add file extensions not included in the Default Scan List:

  1. Create a text file, "ZenworksAntimalwareApplicationExtensionDefintions.txt”.

  2. Add the required file extension types to the new file. The format is one application extensionper line. For example:




  3. Copy the new file into the 32-bit and 64-bit folders of the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\zav directory on the Primary Server that is set as the Antimalware Server. For example:

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks\zav\zenAVAgent-32

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks\zav\zenAVAgent-64

  4. Navigate to Configuration > Security > Antimalware Configuration in the ZENworks Control Center, and click Rebuild Now in the Maintenance Schedule panel.

    Step 4 is not required if you can wait the for the rebuild to run as configured in the Maintenance Schedule.

  5. After the rebuild runs, a refresh is required on the devices that have the Antimalware Agent installed. You can run a quick task to refresh selected devices in aggregate. For more information, see Using Quick Tasks in the ZENworks Control Center Reference.

    NOTE:If needed, you can copy the customization file directly into the zav folder (%ZENWORKS_HOME%\zav ) on any device that has the Antimalware Agent installed.

2.9.2 Default Scan List

Reference the list of file extensions shown below to see which file types are included by default in Antimalware scans when the Application only setting is selected in an Antimalware policy.

386; a6p; ac; accda; accdb; accdc; accde; accdp; accdr; accdt; accdu; acl; acr; action; ade; adp; air; app; as; asd; asp; awk; bas; bat; bin; cgi; chm; cla; class; cmd; cnv; com; cpl; csc; csh; dat; dek; dld; dll; doc; docm; docx; dot; dotm; dotx; drv; ds; ebm; esh; exe; ezs; fky; frs; fxp; gadget; grv; hlp; hms; hta; htm; html; iaf; icd; ini; inx; ipf; iso; isu;
jar; js; jse; jsx; kix; laccdb; lnk; maf; mam; maq; mar; mat; mcr; mda; mdb; mde; mdt; mdw; mem; mhtml; mpp; mpt; mpx; ms; msg; msi; msp; mst; msu; oab; obi; obs; ocx; oft; ole; one; onepkg; ost; ovl; pa; paf; pex; pfd; php; pif; pip; pot; potm; potx; ppa; ppam; pps; ppsm; ppsx; ppt; pptm; pptx; prc; prf; prg; ps1; pst; pub; puz; pvd; pwc; py; pyc; pyo; qpx; rbx;
rgs; rox; rpj; rtf; scar; scr; script; sct; shb; shs; sldm; sldx; smm; snp; spr; svd; sys; thmx; tlb; tms; u3p; udf; url; vb; vbe; vbs; vbscript; vxd; wbk; wcm; wdm; wiz; wll; wpk; ws; wsf; xar; xl; xla; xlam; xlb; xlc; xll; xlm; xls; xlsb; xlsm; xlsx; xlt; xltm; xltx; xlw; xml; xqt; xsf; xsn; xtp