2.2 Downloading Updates

2.2.1 Scheduling Update Downloads

You can schedule both checking for updates and downloading them:

2.2.2 Manually Checking for Updates

If the most recent updates are not being displayed in the Available System Updates panel on the System Updates page, you can manually refresh the display.

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration in the left pane, then click the System Updates tab.

  2. In the Available System Updates panel, click Action > Check for Updates.

    Any available updates are displayed with a status of Available.

  3. To re-sort the listed updates, click the heading for any of the columns in the Available System Updates panel.

    Click the heading a second time to reverse the sorting order.

2.2.3 Manually Download Updates

Download system update files in one of the following ways:

From Software and Licenses Download (SLD)

Log in to the Micro Focus Customer Portal site to download the files for update. From the Downloads screen, select the Product, Product Name (entitlement) and Version to view the files. Click the Media Version column and select the ZENworks 23.4 release option, and then click Download Selected.


Select the following files and click Download Selected.

File Type

File Name

System update ZIP file


ZENworks Diagnostic Center for validity


Perform MD5 checksum on all downloaded files for data integrity.

After downloading the System update ZIP file, perform the following steps:

  1. (Optional) Create a temporary directory on Windows and Linux. On Linux, create the directory in /var/tmp or /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common/tmp.

  2. Copy the System update ZIP file to the temporary directory.

  3. Run the following command:

    zman sui <Path of the system update zip file>

  4. When prompted, specify the administrator credentials.

    The system update will be imported to the zone. To track the status in ZCC, go to Configuration > System Updates.

    Next, follow the update deployment steps. For information on deploying the update, see step 6 in Deploying Updates.

  5. In ZCC, after the system update is downloaded completely, the System update ZIP file can be deleted from the temporary directory.

ZENworks 23.4 Licensing

You need to enable/ activate System update entitlement in ZCC before able to view 23.4 in ZCC. For more information, see System Update Entitlement.

You can manually download the updated SU zip from SLD. For more information, see Section 2.2, Downloading Updates.

NOTE:You need not have to fetch or activate new product licenses if already activated at 20.2 version.

If not licensed for ZENworks 2020 Suite, then all individual ZENworks component licenses will need to be entered separately during update.

From ZENworks Control Center

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration in the left pane, then click the System Updates tab.

  2. In the Available System Updates panel, select the check box next to ZENworks 23.4, click Action, then click Download Update.

    The update is downloaded to the zone and preparing of the update is performed.

    Depending on the size of the update, the downloading process can take some time.

  3. To refresh the view of the download progress (Status column), click the System Updates tab or use the Auto Refresh option.

After the system update is downloaded, the Preparing stage will be automatically initiated.

For more information, see Preparing an Update

2.2.4 Manually Importing Updates to Servers without Internet Connectivity

If you have servers in your environment that do not have Internet access, you can obtain the update or Product Recognition Update (PRU) files from the Micro Focus Downloads page, copy the files onto a CD or other media, and then use the CD to import the files to a ZENworks Primary Server by using the zman system-update-import command. For more information, see System Update/Product Recognition Update Commands in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities.

After the system update is downloaded, the Preparing stage will be automatically initiated. For more information on Preparing stage, see Preparing an Update

After the files are on a ZENworks Primary Server, the update or PRU displays in the Available System Updates panel on the System Updates tab in ZENworks Control Center (Configuration > System Updates). You can then follow the instructions in Section 3.0, Deploying Updates to deploy the update to managed devices.