D.9 Troubleshooting Login Issues

Use the information in the following sections to troubleshoot login and authentication issues.

D.9.1 Enabling the CASA Server and Client Logs

Capturing the ats.log and ats.trace on Authentication Servers

  1. Edit the log4j.properties file.

    Windows Primary Server: The locations are:

    <%ZENworks_HOME%>\share\tomcat\conf\log4j.properties (internal CASA)

    <%ZENworks_HOME%>\share\ats\etc\svc\log4j.properties (external CASA)

    Windows Satellite Server: The location is:

    <%ZENworks_HOME%>\ share\ats\etc\svc\log4j.properties

    Linux Primary Server: The locations are:

    \opt\novell\zenworks\share\tomcat\conf\log4j.properties (internal CASA)

    etc\CASA\auttoken\svc\log4j.properties (external CASA)

    Linux Satellite Server: The location is:


  2. Set the log mode to debug, and restart the ATS (Authentication Token Service).

NOTE:The names of the services are specified in Checking the CASA Service Status.

Capturing the casaauthtoken.log on Managed Devices

  1. Create a folder. For example:c:\logfolder

  2. Modify<%ZENworks_HOME%>\casa\etc\auth\client.conf to set the values of DebugLevel to 3 and DebugLogFolderPath to the desired log location. For example, c:\logfolder.

  3. Restart the ZENworks Agent Service.

D.9.2 Time Synchronization

If the time on the managed device is not synchronized with the ZENworks Server, the managed device does not trust the certificate presented by the server. Ensure that devices are always time-synchronized. Also, ensure that you check the time synchronization with the eDirectory servers.

D.9.3 Checking Certificates

Checking the Authentication Satellite Server’s DNS Suffix

Ensure that the authentication Satellite Server has a primary DNS suffix specified prior to promoting the server. Generally the certificates are created against the device's (Satellite or Primary) FQDN or DNS name.

Importing the ATS Certificate

Ensure that the ATS (Authentication Token Service) certificate of a Satellite Server is imported into the trust store of the Primary Server by issuing the following commands:

  • On the Windows Primary Server:

    keytool -list –keystore "c:\program files\novell\zenworks\conf\security\trusted-ats-jks-store" -storepass secret
  • On the Linux Primary Server:

    keytool -list –keystore "/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/security/ trusted-ats-jks-store " -storepass secret

Checking casa_crypto.properties

Ensure that the casa_crypto.properties file, available at the locations specified below, is updated to show the correct keystore path.The trusted ATS keystore entry should map to the ZENworks keystore.

Windows Internal CASA
Windows External CASA
Linux Internal CASA
/opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/CasaAuthTokenSvc/WEB-INF/classes/ casa_crypto.properties
Linux External CASA
/srv/www/casaats/webapps/CasaAuthTokenSvc/WEB-INF/classes/casa_crypto.properties (/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/security/ trusted-ats-jks-store)

Ensure that the right certificates are present in the server store and the trusted store.

Checking Certificate Properties

  • Ensure that the subject name in the server certificate matches the server host name or the server IP.

  • Ensure that the certificate has not expired.

D.9.4 Checking ATS Status

ATS Configuration Files

Ensure that the ATS (Authentication Token Service) configuration files are present in the following locations:

  • On Linux (Primary and Satellite): \etc\CASA\authtoken\svc

  • On Windows (Primary and Satellite):<%ZENworks_HOME%>\share\ats\etc\svc

Ensure that the iarealms.xml file exists and verify whether the configured tee and search root are updated.

Ensure that the auth.policy files for the configured services are created under the Enabled_Services folder. If these files are missing, reconfigure the user source or restart the ZenLoader Service.

Checking the CASA Service Status

Ensure that the CASA services are up and running. On Windows, launch services.msc. On Linux, go to /etc/init.d and check the status of the service.

  • Primary Server External CASA ATS: casaAuthTokensvc(Windows);casa_atsd (Linux)

  • Primary Server Internal CASA ATS: novell-zenserver(Linux);Novell ZENworks Server (Windows)

  • Windows Satellite: Novell ZENworks Authentication server

  • Linux Satellite: On Linux satellites, the authentication service runs within the ZMD (ZENworks Management Daemon) service.

If the CASA service has not started on the Linux server, verify that the PID file exists in:/var/lib/CASA/authtoken/svc/casaatsd.pid. If it exists, manually delete the file, and start the service again.

Checking the ATS Servlet

Ensure that the ATS servlet is listening on the configured ports by issuing the following command on the managed device:


on the Managed Device.

If you receive a 400 error, this indicates that the servlet is listening but the browser has not formed the request in the required format.

Checking the Authentication Satellite

Ensure that the authentication Satellite (if it is configured) is accessible by typing https://<server_ip>:<port>/zenworks-ping in the browser. The browser should display Zenworks-Ping or Pong.

Checking the User Source

Verify that there is communication between CASA-ATS and the configured user source and ensure that you can browse through the users of the configured user source. Also, ensure that the LDAP server is not overloaded and server utilization is normal. LDAP server responses might directly impact login times.