Viewing Inventory Information Without Using ConsoleOne

The desktop4.exe application that ships with ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management allows you to view the Workstation Inventory and query the Inventory database without using ConsoleOne.

You can install desktop4.exe using either of the following methods:

Before you run desktop4.exe, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Identify your Inventory database.

    Depending upon the Inventory database that you have configured for, you must edit the following .ini files: sybase.ini, oracle.ini, or mssql.ini. These files will be located in the consoleone_installation_directory\bin directory.

  2. Enter the following details in the .ini file:

    IP Address: IP address of the server on which the Inventory database is running.

    User Name: Database user ID having Read permissions on the database.

    Password: Database password for the above user.

    Scope: The scope for querying the Inventory database. If you have installed ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management, enter ZFD. If you have installed ZENworks 6.5 Server Management, enter ZFS. If you have installed ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management and ZENworks 6.5 Server Management in the same setup, enter BOTH.

    Database Administrator Username: Enter the database administrator username in the DBAUSERNAME parameter.

    Database Administrator Password: Enter the database administrator password in the DBAPASSWORD parameter.

    A sample sybase.ini file is as follows:

    # Novell Inc.
    # ZFD / ZFS / BOTH

    A sample oracle.ini file is as follows:

    # Novell Inc.
    # ZFD / ZFS / BOTH

    A sample mssql.ini file is as follows:

    # Novell Inc.
    # ZFD / ZFS / BOTH

You can run desktop4.exe from the MS-DOS prompt or by using a .bat file. You must specify valid values for the following parameters:

For example, to perform a query using desktop4.exe, use either of the following methods:

  1. Create a .bat file with the following contents in the same directory as desktop4.exe:

    Desktop4 -w"CN=WINXP-R1B164_99_151_48.OU=WsProm.O=novell" 
    -n"MANTECHR5C-TREE" -c"Query" -D"Sybase"

    where Desktop4 is the name of the application; "CN=WINXP-R1B164_99_151_48.OU=WsProm.O=novell" is the DN of the inventoried workstation; "MANTECHR5C-TREE" is the eDirectory tree name; "Query" is the Inventory operation to be performed on the inventoried workstation; and "Sybase" is the Inventory database.

  2. Run the .bat file.

You can perform an inventory summary using either of the following methods:

  1. Create a .bat file with the following contents in the same directory as desktop4.exe:

    Desktop4 -w"CN=WINXP-R1B164_99_151_48.OU=WsProm.O=novell" -n"INDYPROM-TREE" -c"Inventory" -D"Oracle"

    where Desktop4 is the name of the application; "CN=WINXP-R1B164_99_151_48.OU=WsProm.O=novell" is the DN of the inventoried workstation; "INDYPROM-TREE" is the tree name; "Inventory" is the Inventory operation to be performed on the inventoried workstation; and "Oracle" is the Inventory database.

  2. Run the .bat file.

For more information on how to query an Inventory database, see Viewing Inventory Information by Querying the Database. For more information on inventory information displayed by the Workstation Inventory, see Viewing the Inventory Summary of an Inventoried Workstation.

Desktop4.exe is a back-end utility that can be leveraged by developing user-friendly interface to launch desktop4.exe.

Using desktop4.exe, you can also initiate Remote Management operations. For more information, see Starting Remote Management Operations Without Using ConsoleOne.