With this type you can create a Distribution consisting of files from one or more FTP sources. Each source can contain one or more directories and/or files.

If a target file is found to be locked during extraction, the Subscriber throws an exception stating that the file could not be copied. The Distributor receives this information from the Subscriber and log the failure in the reporting database.

Use the following fields and buttons to configure an FTP Distribution:

New FTP Source

In the FTP File Group dialog box, provide the server name, a login name (the default is "anonymous"), and a password for this FTP Distribution.

New Target

Provide a volume. The variable %DEST VOLUME% is the default.

Add Directory

Browse for the directory where the file resides. If the directory has parent directories, they are included. You can add multiple directories.

When entering information into this field, you must press Enter for the change to be saved.

Add Files

Browse for the files. You can add multiple files.


Deletes whatever you have selected:


Displays the properties of the selected FTP source.

Files To Be Distributed

An expandable tree structure showing paths and filenames.

Binary Transfer

Enables file transfers in binary.

Include Symbolic Link Files

If you want all symbolic link files in the added directory (including from all of its subdirectories) to be part of the FTP File Distribution, check this box. This applies only when you add a directory.

You do not need to check this box for individually-added symbolic link files.

This check box does not have any control over whether symbolic link files are displayed when browsing to add directories and files.