20.5 Application Window Command Line Switches

The following command line switches can be used when starting the Application Window.

The Application Window can be started by using the nalwin.exe or nalwin32.exe files, located in the workstation's c:\program files\novell\zenworks directory. These switches work with both files.

IMPORTANT:When you use a command line switch to distribute (/a), uninstall (/l), or verify (/v) an application, Application Launcher performs the action in the user space, not in the workstation space (even if the application is associated with the workstation). Therefore, the logged-in user must have the eDirectory rights and file system rights required to perform the distribution, uninstall, or verification of the application.

Table 20-1 Application Window Command Line Switches




EXAMPLE: nalwin :

Skips the initial splash screen.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /a="nov:.ms word.app"

Distributes and launches the specified Application object, regardless of whether or not it has been associated with the user or workstation, as long as the user has the file system rights needed to distribute and launch the application and the rights to read Application object properties.

In addition to distributing and launching the specified application, Application Launcher continues running and displays the user and workstation-associated applications in the Application Window. If you don't want Application Launcher to do this, you can use the /f switch to instruct it not to read eDirectory for associations and the /h switch to hide the Application Window.

Tree is the eDirectory tree where the Application object resides. The default tree is assumed if no tree name is specified.

App_object_dn is the fully distinguished name of the Application object.

NOTE:The quotation marks are required only if a space is used in the tree name or Application object name.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /c="%cn%'s Apps"

Uses the specified text as the title for the Application Window. The default window title is “Novell-delivered Applications for User,” where User is the distinguished name of the user.

The text specified can contain macros (variables) to display eDirectory information. The example, /c="%cn%'s Apps" substitutes the user's common name in the title (for example, JSmith's Apps).

NOTE:The quotation marks are required only if a space is used in the window title.

For information about macros, see Section 49.0, Reference: Macros.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /d

Displays the Application Window with the Contents option on the Help menu enabled.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /f /h

Instructs Application Launcher not to read eDirectory to get the list of applications that have been associated with the logged-in user or the workstation. This is useful when using the /a, /v, or /l switches to simply distribute, verify, or uninstall a specific application. The example causes Application Launcher to start with the Application Window hidden (/h) not read eDirectory for all of the applications associated to the logged-in user or workstation (/f), and then distribute and launch the Word application (/a=.word.apps).

This switch also requires you to use the /h switch.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /h

Hides the Application Window.

This switch is required when using the /f switch and is useful with the /a, /v, and /l switches.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /l="nov:.ms word.app"

Uninstalls the specified Application object.

In addition to uninstalling the specified application, Application Launcher continues running and displays the user and workstation-associated applications in the Application Window. If you don't want Application Launcher to do this, you can use the /f switch to instruct it not to read eDirectory for associations and the /h switch to hide the Application Window.

Tree is the name of the tree where the Application object resides. The default tree is assumed if no tree name is specified.

App_object_dn is the fully distinguished name of the Application object.

NOTE:The quotation marks are required only if a space is used in the tree name or Application object name.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /max

Displays the Application Window maximized when first loaded, overriding the window state (size and position) that was saved when exiting the previous Application Window session.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /min

Displays the Application Window minimized when first loaded, overriding the window state (size and position) that was saved when exiting the previous Application Window session.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /nd

Skips the warning dialog box that appears when a dial-up connection is detected.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /norm

Displays the Application Window in its original state (size and position) when first loaded, as long as the Save Window Size and Position setting (User object > ZENworks tab > Launcher Configuration page > Add button > Window tab) is turned off. By default, the Save Window Size and Position setting is turned off.


EXAMPLE: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=”file 1.txt” /nq

Used only with the /p switch, instructs Application Launcher to remove the enclosing quotes from the parameter string. In the example, if /nq is not used, the parameters passed to the application would be “file 1.txt”. With the /nq switch, the parameter is passed as file 1.txt.

/p=param /p=”param1 param2 param3”

EXAMPLE: nalwin /a=.word.app /p=file.txt

Passes the specified parameters to the launched application. It is only effective when used with /a or /v. The specified parameters are added to any that are already defined in the Application object (Run Options tab > Application page > Parameters field). The following rules apply when using the switch:

  • Application Launcher reads everything after /p= until the first space. At that point, it assumes the end of the parameter string. If the parameter string includes spaces, you must enclose the entire string in quotes.

    Example 1: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=file.txt

    Passed to word.app: file.txt

    Example 2: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=”/f=file.txt /m / w”

    Passed to word.app: “/f=file.txt /m /w”

    Example 3: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=file 1.txt

    Passed to word.app: file

    In Example 1, the parameter string does not include spaces so no quotes are required. In Example 2, the parameter string includes three parameters, separated by spaces, so quotes are required. In Example 3, the parameter string includes a filename with spaces, but no quotes have been used, so only the first part of the filename is passed to the application.

  • Use the /nq (no quotes) switch if you don't want the enclosing quotes to be passed to the application.

    Example 4: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=”file 1.txt” /nq

    Passed to word.app: file 1.txt

    Example 5: nalwin.exe /a=.word.app /p=”/f=file.txt /m / w” /nq

    Passed to word.app: /f=file.txt /m /w

    Example 5 is the same as Example 2. However, Example 5 includes /nq so that the enclosing quotes are not passed.

  • Use escaped quotes (\") for any parameters that must include quotes in order to be accepted by the application.

    Example 6: nalwin.exe /a=word.app /p=”/f=\"file 1.txt\" /r /q” /nq

    Passed to word.app: /f=”file 1.txt” /r /q

    Example 7: nalwin.exe /a=word.app /p=”/f=file 1.txt /r /q” /nq

    Passed to word.app: /f=file 1.txt /r /q

    Example 6 assumes that the application requires file 1.txt to be enclosed in quotes because the filename includes spaces. Example 7 assumes that the application does not require filenames with spaces to be enclosed in quotes.

  • The total characters allowed for all parameters is 256.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /r

Resets the Application Launcher launch flag to 0. This occurs automatically when Application Launcher terminates normally, However, if Application Launcher terminates abnormally (for example, a user uses Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down nalwin.exe), the launch flag is not reset and Application Launcher cannot be restarted until the workstation is rebooted or this switch is used.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /RemoteMode=1

Allows specifying the remote connection status when starting the Application Launcher. The values are as follows:

  • /RemoteMode=1

    Sets the Remote Access mode and turns off further methods of detecting the connection mode.

  • /RemoteMode=0

    Sets the LAN Connection mode and turns off further methods of detecting the connection mode.

Specifying no value for the RemoteMode parameter restores the normal behavior of the Application Launcher when it detects the connection mode.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /restrictonline=1

Determines the Application Launcher state (online or offline) as eDirectory connections become available. This switch is supported only when eDirectory authentication occurs directly through the ZENworks Desktop Management Agent; it is not supported when eDirectory authentication occurs through the ZENworks Middle Tier Server.

The switch’s four possible values are described below, with each value having both a startup behavior and a running behavior. The running behavior applies when, after initial startup, Application Launcher detects a change in eDirectory connections.


  • At startup: Application Launcher goes into online mode if it detects an eDirectory connection, unless the connection is through dial-up. In that case, Application Launcher prompts the user whether to go online or stay offline.

  • Running: Regardless of the connection type (direct or dial-up), Application Launcher automatically goes into online mode if it detects an eDirectory connection.

    The /restrictonline=0 value results in the same behavior as Application Launcher’s default behavior. In other words, using the 0 value is the same as not using the switch at all.


  • At startup: Application Launcher goes into online mode if it detects an eDirectory connection, unless the connection is through dial-up. In that case, Application Launcher stays in offline mode.

  • Running: Same as the startup behavior. Application Launcher goes into online mode if it detects an eDirectory connection, unless the connection is through dial-up. In that case, Application Launcher stays in offline mode.


  • At startup: Value not used at this time.

  • Running: Value not used at this time.


  • At startup: Application Launcher goes into online mode if it detects an eDirectory connection, otherwise, Application Launcher stays in offline mode.

  • Running: If Application Launcher started in online mode, it remains in online mode as long as an eDirectory connection is available. If Application Launcher started in offline mode, it remains in offline mode even if an eDirectory connection becomes available.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /singletree=nov

Reads the specified eDirectory tree only, regardless of any other trees the user might be authenticated to. This option applies only to user-associated applications, not workstation-associated applications. For example, assume that the workstation has a Workstation object in TREE1. The user authenticates to TREE2 and starts Application Launcher against TREE2 (nalwin /singletree=TREE2). Application Launcher displays the user-associated application from TREE2 and the workstation-associated applications from TREE1.

NOTE:The quotation marks are required only if a space is used in the tree name.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /s

Makes the Application Window act like the Windows shell. For example, on the File menu, the Exit Application Launcher option changes to Shutdown and gives the user the standard Windows shutdown options.

The Contents option on the Help menu is disabled. So, you cannot view the help.

This is not a true replacement for the Windows shell. If users minimize the Application Window, they have access to the normal desktop. If you want the Application Window to replace the Windows shell, see Using Application Launcher As the Windows Shell.

NOTE:On a Windows 98 workstation, when a user selects Shutdown > Close All Programs and Log On as a Different User, the user's Windows desktop remains displayed while the login dialog box is displayed; normally, the desktop is removed.




EXAMPLE: nalwin /time=30

Delays starting of Application Launcher for the specified number of seconds.

Use this switch only if you want Application Launcher to wait extra time before loading. For example, if several other programs are starting from the login script and they all display splash screens, you might not want all of them displayed at the same time. Or, if you are using the /a switch to launch an application from a login script, you might want to delay the start until all other commands in the login script have been executed.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /u

Terminates all applications, exits the Application Window, and unloads Application Launcher from memory.


EXAMPLE: nalwin /v="nov:.snap.apps"

Verifies and launches the specified application.

In addition to verifying and launching the specified application, Application Launcher continues running and displays the user and workstation-associated applications in the Application Window. If you don't want Application Launcher to do this, you can use the /f switch to instruct it not to read eDirectory for associations and the /h switch to hide the Application Window.

Tree is the name of the tree where the Application object resides. The default tree is assumed if no tree name is specified.

Application_object_dn is the fully distinguished name of the Application object.

NOTE:The quotation marks are required only if a space is used in the tree name or Application object name.