74.1 Understanding the Inventory Service Manager

The Inventory Service Manager loads the inventory components on the Inventory server, based on the configuration parameters specified in the Inventory server properties file.

This sections contains the following:

74.1.1 List of Services

The Service Manager loads the following important services. You can obtain the list of services that the Service Manager loads from the property file in inventory_server_installation_directory_or_volume\zenworks\inv\ server\wminv\properties.

You can use these service names to list, start, and stop the respective services.

The Inventory Service Manager reads the server property file (config.properties) and the role-based property file in the inventory_server_installation_directory_or_volume\zenworks\inv\ server\wminv\properties directory, and loads the required services and server components.

IMPORTANT:Do not modify the property files because the updates might fail to load the services or the Service Manager.

74.1.2 Services on NetWare Inventory Servers

To start the Inventory server on a Novell NetWare® Inventory server, run startinv.ncf at the server console prompt.

You can start, stop, or list the services, if the Inventory Service Manager is already loaded.

  • To check if the Inventory Service Manager is loaded, enter java -show at the Inventory server prompt

    This displays the following message:

  • To start an Inventory service, enter StartSer service_name at the Inventory server prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name.

    For example, to start the Storer, enter StartSer Storer

  • To stop an Inventory service, enter StopSer service_name at the Inventory server prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name

    For example, to stop the Storer, enter StopSer Storer

  • To stop all Inventory services, enter StopSer * at the console prompt.

  • To list an Inventory service, enter ListSer service_name at the Inventory server prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name.

  • To list all Inventory services, enter ListSer * at the console prompt.

74.1.3 Services on Windows Servers

You can start, stop, or list the services, if the Inventory Service Manager is already loaded. In the Control Panel, double-click Services, and check the status of the Inventory service.

  • To start the Inventory service on a Windows 2000/2003 Inventory server:

    • 1. In the Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
    • 2. Double-click Services.
    • 3. Select Novell Inventory Service, then click Start.
  • To start an Inventory service, go to the installation_directory\inv\server\wminv\bin directory, and enter StartSer service_name at the command prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name.

    For example, to start the Storer, enter StartSer Storer

  • To stop an Inventory service, go to the installation_directory\inv\server\wminv\bin directory, and enter StopSer service_name at the command prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name.

    For example, to stop the Storer, enter StopSer Storer

  • To list an Inventory service, go to the installation_directory\inv\server\wminv\bin directory, and enter ListSer service_name at the command prompt. service_name refers to any of the listed services. Follow the service naming syntax when you modify the service_name.

    To list all Inventory services, enter ListSer “*”

  • To stop the Inventory services on a Windows 2000/2003 Inventory server:

    • 1. In the Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
    • 2. Double-click Services.
    • 3. Select Novell Inventory Service, then click Stop.

74.1.4 Services on Linux Inventory Servers

  • To start all Inventory services, do any of the following ways:

    • 1. At the Linux server prompt, go to /etc/init.d.
    • 2. Enter ./novell-zdm-inv start.


    To start all Inventory services from any directory on Linux, enter

    /etc/init.d/novell-zdm-inv start

  • To start a specific Inventory service:

    • 1. At the Linux server prompt, go to /opt/novell/bin.
    • 2. Enter StartSer Inventory_service.
  • To stop all Inventory services, do any of the following ways:

    • 1. At the Linux server prompt, go to /etc/init.d.
    • 2. Enter ./novell-zdm-inv stop.


    To stop all Inventory services from any directory on Linux, enter

    /etc/init.d/novell-zdm-inv stop

  • To stop a specific Inventory service:

    • 1. At the Linux server prompt, go to /opt/novell/bin.
    • 2. Enter StopSer Inventory_service.

The following table lists the Workstation Inventory components installed on Linux whose status you can check by executing commands at the Linux console prompt.

Table 74-1 Commands to check the status of the Workstation Inventory components installed on Linux

Workstation Inventory Component

Command To Be Entered At the Linux Console Prompt

Inventory server daemon

/etc/init.d/novell-zdm-inv status

Sybase daemon

/etc/init.d/novell-zdm-sybase status

Inventory Proxy daemon

/etc/init.d/novell-zen-zws status