23.3 Making the Silent Installation More Secure

If you want to keep your tree and Middle Tier passwords secure by not including them directly in the silent.properties file, you can define environment variables to keep them hidden. Use the following steps to set up environment variables for the passwords:

  1. Open and prepare to edit silent.properties from the server location where you copied it earlier.

  2. Locate the TREE_PASSWORD= configuration value in the Authentication section of the file.

  3. Rather than explicitly entering your tree password, enter the following information as an environment variable for the value:


    Example: TREE_PASSWORD=$lax.nl.env.TREE_PASSWORD$

    The environment variable name (shown as tree_password_environment_variable_name above) you choose need not be the configuration value name listed in silent.properties; you can choose any name you want.

  4. Locate the XTierConfigureAction.PROXY_PASSWORD= configuration value in the Middle Tier section of the file.

  5. Rather than explicitly entering your proxy password, enter the following information as an environment variable for the value:


    Example: XTierConfigureAction.PROXY_PASSWORD=$lax.nl.env.PROXY_PASSWORD$

    The environment variable name (shown as proxy_password_environment_variable_name above) you choose need not be the configuration value name listed in silent.properties; you can choose any name you want.

Because your proxy password might be the same as your tree password, you can use the same environment variable for both passwords if you want to.

For more information about setting up environment variables in this situation, see Section 23.3.1, Setting an Environment Variable.

23.3.1 Setting an Environment Variable

Use the following procedure to set an environment variable when you don't want to reveal the password while defining the variable:

  1. Start a new command shell by entering the following command:

  2. At the bash (#) prompt, enter the following command to prevent future commands from being recorded in the command buffer and saved in your .bash_history file.

  3. (Optional) To turn off the screen display of your password information, enter the following command:

    stty -echo
  4. To set up the environment variable for the tree password, enter the following command:

    export tree_password_environment_variable_name=edirectory_password
  5. To set up the environment variable for the Middle Tier proxy password, enter the following command:

    export proxy_password_environment_variable_name=proxy_password
  6. (Optional) To turn on the screen display for keyboard input, enter the following command:

    stty echo

    If you don't want to use the stty command to turn off the screen display, you can make sure that passwords are removed from the screen by entering clear after you define each environment variable.

  7. Enter the following command to return to the original command shell after running the silent installation:

    exec /CD_mount_point/setup -f /root/silent.properties