3.0 Novell Application Launcher Error Messages

The following section explains the scenarios that you might encounter using the Novell Application Launcher component of Novell® ZENworks® 7 Desktop Management:

Novell Application fails to launch when the device boots

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Novell Application Launcher.
Description: A NAL Application shortcut present in the Windows Startup folder fails to launch when the device boots even if the Application Window or Application Explorer shortcut is added to the Windows Startup folder.
Action: Perform the following steps to delay the launch of the NAL application:
  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Novell\ZENworks\NALExplorer.

  3. Create a DWORD called DelayExec and set the value of this entry to the required time delay in seconds.

Retry connecting to Middle Tier Server might take considerable amount of time

Source: ZENworks Desktop Management; Novell Application Launcher.
Description: If the authorization to the Middle Tier Server fails during the first attempt, then the login screen might be displayed after some considerable amount of time because the time interval between two retry attempts is 15 seconds by default.
Action: Before connecting to the Middle Tier Server, reduce the time interval between the retry attempts as follows :
  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\LgnXTier\.

  3. Create a DWORD called PassiveModeLoginRetryInterval and set the desired value.