31.6 Managing Image Properties

You can view the properties of an image file or any item in its content, including modifying some of the properties:

31.6.1 Viewing and Modifying the Properties of the Image File

  1. Click File > Open.

  2. Browse for and select the image file.

    Large image files might take a few moments to open.

  3. Select the top line of the opened image file.

    This is the line that displays the path to the .zmg file.

  4. Click File > Properties.

    You can also right-click the top line, then select Properties.

  5. (Optional) Fill in the fields:

    Description: Specify useful information, such as its purpose or its important content.

    Author: Specify the author of this version of the image.

    Comments: Specify any information that is helpful.

  6. Save the image file to save your properties changes.

  7. To close the properties dialog box, click OK.

31.6.2 Viewing the Properties of an Image File Item

  1. Click File > Open.

  2. Browse for and select the image file.

    Large image files might take a few moments to open.

  3. Select a partition, directory, or file in the image.

    For other information on a partition’s properties, see Section 31.6.3, Changing a Partition’s Size.

  4. Click File > Properties.

    You can also right-click the item, then select Properties.

  5. To close the properties dialog box, click OK.

31.6.3 Changing a Partition’s Size

You can change a partition’s size for the next time the image is applied to a device. You can edit this value for base images only; you cannot edit this value for add-on images.

If the number that you specify in the Original Size text box exceeds the size of the target hard drive, ZENworks automatically uses the entire disk. Therefore, you can specify a value larger than exists on the target device.

However, if you specify a smaller disk space size than is on the target device, only that amount of disk space is used, so the remaining disk space is unused. For example, if you create a base image of a device with a 20 GB hard drive and you want to then place that image on a new device with a 60 GB hard drive, 40 GB of that drive is unused.

You cannot decrease the number in the Original Size text box to a smaller value that what is shown in the Minimum Size text box.

To modify the partition’s size:

  1. Click File > Open.

  2. Browse for and select the image file.

    Large image files might take a few moments to open.

  3. Select a partition.

  4. Click File > Properties.

    You can also right-click the partition, then select Properties.

  5. In the Original Size field, specify the new partition size.

  6. Click OK to save the change.

    This only saves the partition size change. You must save the image file for it to be in effect the next time the image is applied.