30.7 Editing Preboot Services Work

The Edit Preboot Work page allows you to view all images that are recently applied to the selected device, and the image that is currently assigned (known as its “effective” image).

To edit a server’s or workstation’s Preboot Services work:

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, click the Devices tab to display the Devices page:

    Devices tab, showing the Servers and Workstations folders
  2. Click Servers or Workstations, then select a device to display the page with the Preboot Work section:

    Preboot Work section with Advanced option
  3. In the Preboot Work section, click Advanced.

    This starts the Edit Preboot Work Wizard:

    Edit Preboot Work page with Do Nothing option selected in the Scheduled Work field (Applied Image Files field also displayed)
  4. In the Preboot Work section, select one of the following from the drop-down list for the Scheduled work field:

    Do nothing: Continue with Step 5.

    Apply Preboot bundle: Continue with Step 6.

    Take an image: Continue with Step 7.

  5. If you select Do nothing, review the image files, then skip to Step 8.

    The Applied Image Files section displays the image files most recently applied to this device.

    Edit Preboot Work page with Apply Preboot Bundle option selected in the Scheduled Work field (Bundle To Apply and Applied Image Files fields also displayed)
  6. If you select Apply Preboot bundle, fill in the field under Bundle to Apply, then skip to Step 8:

    Bundle: Select or specify the bundle. Its bundle name, folder, and description are displayed.

    The Bundle field displays the currently effective bundle. You can select the bundle to apply from the drop-down list, which changes the effective bundle for the device.

    The next time the device boots, or when you manually apply a Preboot bundle (such as from a ZENworks imaging CD or DVD), the selected bundle is applied.

    Edit Preboot Work page with Take Image option selected in the Scheduled Work field (Server and Path to New Image, Image Compression Options, and Applied Image Files fields also displayed)
  7. If you select Take an image, fill in the fields, then continue with Step 8:

    The image is taken the next time the device boots, or when you manually apply a Preboot bundle, such as from a ZENworks imaging CD or DVD.

    Server and path of new image file: Browse for or enter the full path to where you want the image file saved.

    Image compression options: Select one:

    • Balanced: Automatically balances compression between an average of the reimaging speed and the available disk space for the image file.

    • Optimize for speed: Optimizes the compression to allow for the fastest reimaging time. Use this option if CPU speed is an issue.

    • Optimize for space: Optimizes the compression to minimize the image file’s size to conserve disk space. This can cause reimaging to take longer.

  8. Click OK to exit the wizard.

    Your changes should be displayed in the Preboot Work section for the device.