
Before executing the nis-drv-config script, ensure that the LDAP Allow Clear Text Password option is enabled in eDirectory version 8.6.2.x or the Require TLS for Simple Binds with Password option is disabled in eDirectory version 8.7.x. For more information, refer to the Novell eDirectory Administration Guide.

To run the script, use the following command:

nis-drv-config [-h hostname] [-D adminContext [-w adminPassword]

The nis-drv-config script extends the eDirectory schema for the DirXML Driver for NIS. The eDirectory schema needs to be extended only once for a particular eDirectory tree.

On a Linux machine using native LDAP tools, extend the schema using:

nis-drv-config [-h hostname] [-D adminContext] [-w adminPassword] <-x>

If the hostname or adminContext are not provided as command line parameters, the user is prompted for them. The adminContext should be given in LDAP format cn=admin, o=context.

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You should configure the DirXML Driver for NIS as explained in Configuring the DirXML Driver for NIS.