
To install the DirXML Driver for NIS:

  1. Log in with the Root account on the machine you want to install the DirXML Driver for NIS.

  2. Execute the nis-drv-install script from the setup directory of the application platform.

  3. Enter the choice of the desired language to read the License Agreement.

  4. Press Enter to read the License Agreement.

  5. Enter y to accept the License Agreement.

    The following are now installed on your system:

    • NDSnisdrv package that contains the following items:
      • NDS2NIS.jar: the driver jar file in the /usr/lib/dirxml/classes directory
      • dxnis: the binary executable command in the /usr/sbin directory
      • NISFiles.xml, NISFiles_en.xlf, NISYP.xml, NISYP_en.xlf, NISPlus.xml, and NISPlus_en.xlf: preconfigured xml files for Files, NIS, and NIS+ in the /usr/lib/dirxml/rules/nds2nis directory