A.1 Device Troubleshooting

To troubleshoot issues with devices, see the following items:

Initial synchronization fails

Possible Cause: The Device Sync Agent is not getting the information it needs from the GroupWise Sync Agent.
Action: Ensure that the user has a valid GroupWise account.
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Remove the user from the Mobility system, then add the user again.

The user’s mobile device cannot connect to the Mobility System

Possible Cause: The user has not configured the mobile device correctly.
Action: Refer the user to the GroupWise Mobility Quick Start for Mobile Device Users, and provide the user with the details specific to your Mobility system.
Possible Cause: You have configured the Mobility Service for a secure SSL connection and the certificate is not working properly.
Action: Try using a non-secure connection. If a non-secure connection works and a secure connection does not work, ensure that the certificate is correctly set up. For setup instructions, see Securing Communication between the Device Sync Agent and Mobile Devices.
Action: For more detailed information, see GroupWise Mobility Service Device Sync Agent SSL Issues.
Possible Cause: The user’s device is not accepting the self-signed certificate created by the Mobility Service Installation program.

The user’s mobile device has stopped synchronizing

Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Resynchronize the device. For instructions, see Resynchronizing a Device. This removes the GroupWise data that is currently on the device and replaces it with the GroupWise data that is currently available in the Mobility system

The data on the user’s mobile device does not match what displays in GroupWise

Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Resynchronize the device. For instructions, see Resynchronizing a Device. This removes the GroupWise data that is currently on the device and replaces it with the GroupWise data that is currently available in the Mobility system
Action: Have the user remove the account from the device, and then re-add the account. This is a manual way of resynchronizing the device.
Action: If reinitializing the device does not resolve the problem, have the user remove the account from the device. Then reinitialize the user. For instructions, see Reinitializing a User. This removes the GroupWise data that is currently in the Mobility system and requests current data from GroupWise. The process of deleting the data in the Mobility system and requesting current GroupWise data can take a long time.

After you reinitialize the user, have the user re-add the account so that the current GroupWise data in the Mobility system transfers to the device.

Action: If reinitializing the user does not resolve the problem, delete the user from the Mobility system, and then re-add the user. See Managing Mobile Device Users.

The timestamps on calendar items do not match between a user’s mobile device and the GroupWise mailbox

Possible Cause: The date and time on the Mobility server does not match the date and time on the GroupWise server.
Action: Reset the time on the Mobility server to match the time on the GroupWise server. This Mobility system requirement is listed in Mobility Server Requirements in the GroupWise Mobility Service Installation Guide.

Some items never synchronize to the mobile device

Possible Cause: Some events automatically synchronize to mobile devices. Other events do not synchronize to mobile devices unless users request them. The user has not yet requested the optional events.
Action: None. This is normal. The unsynchronized events eventually expire.
Possible Cause: The Device Sync Agent might not be transferring the events to the mobile device.
Action: Check the user’s synchronized items in the Dashboard. Observe the Pending column and the Synced column to see if progress is still being made.

If events are still transferring to the device, wait while the process completes.

If events are not transferring to the device, restart the Device Sync Agent.

Possible Cause: The user’s GroupWise mailbox contains a damaged message, or the user’s mailbox is damaged. Mailbox damage can cause the GroupWise Sync Agent to synchronize unusable data to the Device Sync Agent.
Action: Repair the user’s mailbox. For more information, see Maintaining User/Resource and Message Databases in the GroupWise Administration Guide.
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Remove the user from the Mobility system, and then add the user again.

The specific actions suggested above have not resolved a synchronization problem

Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Perform the following procedure to start over for a particular mobile device user, similar to rebooting a computer:
  1. Remove the user’s account from the mobile device.

  2. Remove the user from the Mobility system.

  3. Restart the Mobility Service.

  4. Add the user to the Mobility system.

  5. Add the user’s account to the mobile device.