16.6 Troubleshooting

16.6.1 Same Tree Scenario

The Migration Tool File System GUI, Volume Information Tab Displays Empty Boxes for Non-English Directory Names.

In the migration tool file system GUI, Volume Information tab displays empty boxes for non-english directory names.This issue occurs if the corresponding language is not installed on the source server.To install fonts for non-english languages, run yast2 language, and select languages in the Secondary Languages pane. After installing required languages, restart the migration project.

Error nbackup: open file

Open files on the source server are not migrated. If files are open, they are not migrated because this causes data inconsistencies.

Close the files and then perform migration.

Error nbackup: execute only files

nbackup encountered files with the Execute-only bit set. By default, these files are not copied.

If you want to copy the Execute-only files, use the tsafs /ExcludeExecuteOnly=0 setting on the source NetWare server.

Error nbackup: A file cannot be read and nbackup: Failed to read dataset

Source volumes or the target volumes are unavailable or are renamed during migration.

Do not rename volumes when migration is in progress. If migration stops because a volume is unavailable, ensure that the volume is properly activated and mounted, then restart the migration project.

16.6.2 Different Tree Scenario

Ownership Information is Changed on Migrating from NSS to NCP

If the ownership information is changed on migrating from NSS to NCP, make sure you LUM-enable the users that are migrated into the target eDirectory tree before you run the migfiles command.

If you LUM-enabled the users that were migrated into the target eDirectory tree and still don’t see the proper ownership information (for example, the owner is nobody as viewed in POSIX, or the server name as viewed by the Novell Client), try the following:

  1. At the OES 2 Linux server terminal prompt, enter namcd cache_refresh.

  2. Synchronize the eDirectory replicas by using DSREPAIR.

  3. Enter nsscon /resetidcache.

  4. To verify the information of the owner, enter:

    ls -l /usr/novell/NCP1

16.6.3 General Issues

Migration Fails Due to Failure of the migtrustees Command

The migtrustees command fails with a fatal error which is recorded in the filesystem.log file.

The migtrustees command takes input from the maptrustees.yaml file, which includes various attributes. Some special characters are included in the loginScript attribute of the maptrustees.yaml file which is not recognized by the migtrustees command causing failure in migration.

To troubleshoot this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the iManager page on the source server.

  2. Click Users > Modify Users.

  3. Select the username, which has special characters in the login script.

    For example, if you see the error for cn=testuser,ou=users,o=novell in the filesystem.log file, select testuser from the user list.

  4. Click General > loginScript.

  5. Remove the special characters from the login script.

  6. Click on apply then ok.

  7. Remove the migtrustees.session, maptrustees.session and the maptrustees.yaml files from the /var/opt/novell/migration/<Project name>/fs/ folder of the target server.

    This ensures that we re-execute the maptrustees command when continuing the migration process.

  8. Click Start on the main Migration Tool window of the target server to continue migration.

When You Configure the File System GUI, an Error is Displayed that the Volumes on the Source Server (NetWare 6.0 or Later) are Not Mapped

If the Novell Client fails, the volumes on the source server are not mapped. The file system migration does not depend on the Novell Client commands, but it uses nwmap to map the source volumes. The details of the error is logged in /var/opt/novell/migration/<project name>/log/filesystem.log.

To troubleshoot this issue, perform the following:

  1. Verify the status of the Novell Client by entering the following command:

    rcnovfsd status

    1. If the service is running, restart the service by entering the following command:

      rcnovfsd restart


      If the service is not running, start the service by entering the following command:

      rcnovfsd start

    2. To configure the file system, select the file system and click Configure.

  2. (Conditional) If the error is displayed again, verify the status of novell-xregd service by entering the following command:

    rcnovell-xregd status

    1. If the status is running, restart the service by entering the following command:

      rcnovell-xregd restart


      If the status is not running, start the service by entering the following command:

      rcnovell-xregd start

    2. Restart the Novell Client by entering the following command:

      rcnovfsd restart

    3. To configure the file system, select the file system and click Configure.

  3. (Conditional) If the error is displayed after restarting novfsd and novell-xregd services, refer to the log file to verify if the Novell Client has failed to resolve the IP address.

    1. If the IP address was not resolved, create a /etc/opt/novell/ncl/protocol.conf file and add the following line in it: Name_Resolution_Providers=NCP,SLP,DNS

    2. Restart the Novell Client by entering the following command:

      rcnovfsd restart

    3. To configure the file system, select the file system then click Configure.

  4. (Conditional) If the error is displayed after performing the preceding steps, mount the source volumes manually.

    1. On target server create directories in /var/opt/novell/migration/<project name>/fs/mnt/source with the same name as the source volumes you want to migrate.

      For example, if VOL1 is the source volume you want to migrate and NewProj1 is the name of the project, then create a VOL1 directory on the target server by executing the following command:

      md /var/opt/novell/migration/NewProj1/fs/mnt/source/VOL1

    2. Mount the source volumes on the directories created in the preceding step by executing the following command:

      ncpmount -m -A <source_server> -S <source_server> -U <source_user(FDN format)> -o tcp -V <volname> -p <code_page> -y utf8 -f 400 -d 500 <path_to_mount>

      For example: ncpmount -m -A -S -U cn=admin.o=novell -o tcp -V VOL1 -p cp437 -y utf8 -f 400 -d 500 /var/opt/novell/migration/NewProj1/fs/mnt/source/VOL1

    3. Select the file system and configure it.

    4. Unmount all source volumes, then continue migration.

When You Configure the File System GUI, an Error is Displayed that the Volumes on the Source Server (NetWare 5.1) are Not Mounted

The source server volumes are not mounted because the ncpmount command failed . Refer to the /var/opt/novell/migration/<project name>/log/filesystem.log file and resolve the issue manually, then reconfigure the file system.

When You Start Migration, an Error is Displayed and Migration Fails

When you click Start in the main migration window, migration fails and you receive the error that no data sets are found.

Source Server is OES 1

Migration might fail if smszapi is not loaded on the source server. To troubleshoot this issue, perform the following:

  1. Verify that smszapi is loaded on the source server by executing the following command:

    lsmod | grep smszapi

  2. (Conditional) If smszapi is displayed in the list, update the smszapi.

  3. (Conditional) If smszapi is not displayed in the list, restart SMDR.

    novell-smdrd restart

  4. Click Start to start migration.

Source Server is OES 2

Migration might fail if there is some problem during the setup and zapi is not loaded on the source server. To troubleshoot this issue, perform the following:

  1. Verify that zapi is loaded on the source server by executing the following command:

    lsmod | grep zapi

  2. (Conditional) If zapi is displayed in the list then update the zapi.

  3. (Conditional) If zapi is not displayed in the list, restart SMDR.

    novell-smdrd restart

  4. Click on Start, to start the migration.

Not Getting the Code Page and Non-English Characters

Migrating from Netware 5.1

The migration tool runs the volmount script to generate the CONFIG.TXT file on the source server and copy the file to the target server. If the CONFIG.TXT is not generated on the source server or is not copied to the target server, the migration tool fails to detect the source server code page, so the non-English character folders or volumes are missing under the Volume Information tab.

  • If CONFIG.TXT is generated and ncpshell failed to copy the file, you need to manually copy the file in the project folder and launch file system GUI again.

  • If the value of the code page ncp_src_code_page parameter is missing in the /opt/novell/migration/plugin/conf/migconf.properties file, add the appropriate value.

    For example, if the value of the code page is 437, specify the value as ncp_src_code_page = cp437 in the /opt/novell/migration/plugin/conf/migconf.properties file. This displays the English character folders.

  • If the code page value in the file system GUI is not same as the code page value in CONFIG.TXT, close the file system GUI and mount the source volumes by using ncpmount with the correct code page. This displays the missing non-English folders or volumes under the Volume Information tab.

Migrating from Netware 6.0 or Later

The language pack is not installed on the target server, so the code page and the non-English characters are not displayed.

You need to install the language pack of the source server on the target server before starting the migration tool.

Source Cluster Volumes are Not Displayed

This issue occurs because the Is Cluster Resource option is not selected in Source Server Authentication or the cluster resource is down.

If the Is Cluster Resource option is not selected, select the option from Source Server Authentication, then reconfigure.


If the Is Cluster Resource option is selected and the cluster volumes are not displayed, verify the list of cluster volumes by executing the following command:

/opt/novell/sms/bin/smstool --list-cluster-volumes -R <resourceIP> -U <admin_credentials>

Files or Trustees are Not Synchronized

If files are open on the source server during synchronization, those files are not synchronized with the files on the target server. If trustees are deleted on the source server during or before synchronization, the trustees are not migrated. Ensure that you verify the following before synchronizing, then click Sync.

  • No application or user is accessing the source volumes that are being copied.

  • Select disable login in the file system GUI to restrict access to the source volumes.