Upgrading the Driver

In this section

Preparing to Upgrade

Make sure you have reviewed all TIDs and Product Updates for the version of the driver you are using.

The new driver shim is intended to work with your existing driver configuration with no changes, but this assumes that your driver shim and configuration have the latest fixes.

Upgrading the Driver Shim

Upgrading the Driver Configuration

Installing the driver shim does not change your existing configuration. Your existing configuration will continue to work with the new driver shim no changes.

However, if you want to take advantage of the new features, you must upgrade your driver configuration, either by replacing your driver configuration with the new sample configuration, or by converting your existing to configuration to Identity Manager format and adding policies to it.

Źd—v:  Because you are upgrading the driver on two separate eDirectory servers, you must complete the upgrade procedures for each server.

Upgrade Issues for eDirectory Driver