Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API

Class BooleanArrayHolder

  extended bycom.sssw.jbroker.web.holders.BooleanArrayHolder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Holder, Holder

public class BooleanArrayHolder
extends Object
implements Holder

A holder class for a boolean array that is used to store inout or out parameters in remote method calls. When calling a remote service that has a boolean array as an inout or out parameter, the programmer must pass an instance of BooleanArrayHolder as the corresponding parameter in the method invocation. The input value must be set before invoking for inout paramters using the setValue method. Before the invocation returns, the runtime has filled in the value, which the programmer can access using the getResult method.

Field Summary
 boolean[] value
          The return value held by this result object.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor for BooleanArrayHolder.
BooleanArrayHolder(boolean[] value)
          Construct a BooleanArrayHolder with the specified value.
Method Summary
 boolean[] getResult()
          Get the result held within this BooleanArrayHolder.
 void read(InputStream is)
          Read the contents of this holder from an input stream.
 void setValue(boolean[] value)
          Set the value held within this BooleanArrayHolder.
 void write(OutputStream os, String name)
          Write the contents of this holder to an output stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean[] value
The return value held by this result object.

Constructor Detail


public BooleanArrayHolder()
Default constructor for BooleanArrayHolder.


public BooleanArrayHolder(boolean[] value)
Construct a BooleanArrayHolder with the specified value. The value will be used as an input parameter when invoking the remote service.

value - The value held by this holder.
Method Detail


public boolean[] getResult()
Get the result held within this BooleanArrayHolder. The value will be available after successfull invocation of the remote service.

The return value.


public void setValue(boolean[] value)
Set the value held within this BooleanArrayHolder. The value will be used as an input parameter when invoking the remote service.

value - The new value to be held by this holder.


public void read(InputStream is)
          throws IOException
Read the contents of this holder from an input stream.

Specified by:
read in interface Holder
is - The input stream.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs.


public void write(OutputStream os,
                  String name)
           throws IOException
Write the contents of this holder to an output stream.

Specified by:
write in interface Holder
os - The output stream.
name - The parameter name.
IOException - If an I/O error occurs.

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