Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API

Class DOMSkeleton

  extended byjavax.servlet.GenericServlet
      extended byjavax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
          extended bycom.sssw.jbroker.web.portable.SAAJSkeleton
              extended bycom.sssw.jbroker.web.portable.DOMSkeleton
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Servlet, ServletConfig

public abstract class DOMSkeleton
extends SAAJSkeleton

The DOMSkeleton is a special, generic skeleton, which always treats parameters as un-typed. The XML instance on the wire will not be bound to a Java object using the type mapper; instead, the arguments are passed down as Element objects. Classes that extend the DOMSkeleton must implement one of the abstract invoke methods.

The DOMSkeleton typically requires configuration to work properly. The following fragmet from the deployment descriptor shows the configuration properties available:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"



These properties can also be set globally in the servlet context if all servlets in an application share the same settings. If any of these values are not present, they will default to the following:


The servlet initialization will fail if the portTypeQName parameter is missing.

jBroker Web 2.1
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.sssw.jbroker.web.portable.SAAJSkeleton
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void init(ServletConfig config)
          Initialize this DOMSkeleton.
 DOMMessage invoke(DOMMessage domMessage)
          Though not abstract, this method can be implemented by subclass to get access to attachments and header parameters.
 Element[] invoke(Map headers, Element[] inParams)
          Implementation for this method should be provided by the sub class.
 SOAPMessage invoke(SOAPMessage message)
          Abstract invocation method, which must be provided by the sub class.
Methods inherited from class com.sssw.jbroker.web.portable.SAAJSkeleton
_getHandlerChain, _getProperty, _setHandlerChain, _setProperty, doGet, doPost
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.GenericServlet
destroy, getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getServletConfig, getServletContext, getServletInfo, getServletName, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DOMSkeleton()
Method Detail


public SOAPMessage invoke(SOAPMessage message)
Description copied from class: SAAJSkeleton
Abstract invocation method, which must be provided by the sub class.

Specified by:
invoke in class SAAJSkeleton
message - the incoming SOAPMessage object
must return a SOAPMessage that will be written into the servlet response.


public void init(ServletConfig config)
          throws ServletException
Initialize this DOMSkeleton. If a base class also implements the init method, it must call super.init(config) to ensure proper servlet initialization.

config - the servlet configuration
ServletException - if the portTypeQName parameter is missing from the servlet configuration


public Element[] invoke(Map headers,
                        Element[] inParams)
                 throws ApplicationException
Implementation for this method should be provided by the sub class. This method can only be used when a SOAP message has no header elements and attachments parts. If a SOAP message has headers and attachments the DOMMessage invoke(DOMMessage) method should be used.

headers - a map with two header values:
  • javax.xml.rpc.soap.http.soapaction.uri - the value of the soapAction associated with this request (if any)
  • - the name of the operation if this servlet is RPC style.
inParams - a array of org.w3c.dom.Element objects that correspond to the input message parts inside the SOAP body.
an array of org.w3c.dom.Element objects that correspond to the output message parts of the SOAP body.
ApplicationException - if a SOAP fault occured. The detail of the SOAP fault can be set as an org.w3c.dom.Element object


public DOMMessage invoke(DOMMessage domMessage)
                  throws ApplicationException
Though not abstract, this method can be implemented by subclass to get access to attachments and header parameters. The default implementation of the method invokes the invoke(Map, Element[]) with the body params.

DOMMessage for the SOAP response message.
ApplicationException - if a SOAP fault occured. The detail of the SOAP fault can be set as an org.w3c.dom.Element object

Novell exteNd Web Services SDK API

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