1.6 Registering with the Novell Customer Center

Novell Customer Center is an online tool that makes it easier for you to manage your business and technical interactions with Novell. From one location, you can do the following:

  • Review the status of supported Novell products, subscriptions, and services

  • Obtain support

  • Get Linux updates and patches

ZENworks Configuration Management Server registers the zone with Novell Customer Center. The registration supplies the name and operating system information about each of the SUSE Linux devices (servers /agent) in the zone to Novell Customer Center so that from Novell Customer Center you can see the SUSE (servers/desktop) that are installed for licensing purposes.

For more information about Novell Customer Center, see the Novell Customer Center documentation.

ZENworks Configuration Management helps you to register all SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10, SLES 11, and SLED 11 managed devices into Novell Customer Center at the same time. By integrating Novell Customer Center with the ZENworks Configuration Management server, you do not need to individually register each managed device with Novell Customer Center.

You can register with Novell Customer Center in any of the following ways:

1.6.1 Registering through ZENworks Control Center

  1. Log in to ZENworks Control Center, then click the Configuration tab.

  2. In Management Zone Settings, click Infrastructure Management > Novell Customer Center to display the Novell Customer Center page.

  3. Configure the following settings to register the Linux devices and upload their basic hardware inventory information to Novell Customer Center:

    • In the Register field, select a server that you want to register with Novell Customer Center. The drop-down list displays the Primary Servers in the Management Zone.

    • Select the Enable link-up with Novell Customer Center option to enable the server to periodically transmit information about itself and its devices to Novell Customer Center.

    • The Recurring scheduling option lets you repeat the event at a specified interval. For more information on the Recurring schedule type, see Schedule Types in the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.

  4. Click Apply, then click OK.

1.6.2 Registering through the zman Command

You can use the following command to register your device with Novell Customer Center:

zman ncc-register e-mail_address registration_key Primary_Server_path --nccConfigXML --reRegister

email: The e-mail address to register the Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server.

registration-key: The registration key to register the Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server.

Primary Server path: The path of the Primary Server to register with the Novell Customer Center Server.

-i, --nccConfigXML= ncc-config.xml: The XML file that contains registration information such as the product, version, architecture, and release.

-r, --reRegister: Reregister the Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server.


To register the local Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server, run the following command:

zman ncc-register email reg-key

To register a specific Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server, run the following command:

zman ncc-register email reg-key server_path

To reregister the local Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server, run the following command:

zman ncc-register email reg-key --reRegister

To reregister a specific Primary Server with the Novell Customer Center Server, run the following command:

zman ncc-register email reg-key server_path --reRegister

1.6.3 Configuring the Novell Customer Center Proxy Settings

You can use the lpm-server.properties file to configure a proxy for both Novell Customer Center and for subscriptions.

If you do not want to use proxy settings for Novell Customer Center, set the value of the useNCCViaProxy key to False. This is the default setting.

If you want to use Novell Customer Center via a proxy, set the value of the useNCCViaProxy key to True.

If you want to use the same proxy for both subscriptions and Novell Customer Center, use subscription proxy key strings. If you want to use a separate proxy for Novell Customer Center, use ncc-proxy key strings.

The lpm-server.properties file is stored in the following locations: