News Brief

The Trust for Public Land Relies on Novell Net Services Software

PROVO, Utah —May 25, 2001— The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a non-profit land conservation organization that works with communities nationwide to protect land for people to enjoy as parks and open space. TPL works with landowners, government agencies and citizen groups to acquire land for public use. Much of TPL's work is focused in and around cities, where population growth is creating an unprecedented demand for parks and where rapid development is infringing on open space and agricultural land. Since 1972, TPL has helped protect more than a million acres in 45 states - from recreation areas to greenways to neighborhood parks.

With 350 employees in 33 locations, TPL recognized the need for a cohesive network management solution that would allow them to continue to grow and communicate with each other more effectively. With concerns about storage, network management and employee connectivity, TPL contracted with Novell Consulting to implement NetWare, eDirectory, BorderManager and GroupWise throughout their organization.

"We were looking for a networking solution that was the industry standard, proven, reliable and cost effective," said Sandra Angelos, networks manager at The Trust for Public Land. "Novell eDirectory has helped us to centrally administer users across the organization while BorderManager VPN has connected the remote offices via DSL to the frame network. The complete network solution has proven invaluable. It's a stable, efficient system with graceful handling that gives system administrators more control."

Press Contact:
Kevan Barney
Novell, Inc.
Phone: 801-861-2931