News Brief

City of Alameda Demonstrates One Net Working

As continuing evidence of Novell's success in solving key eBusiness challenges for government, the City of Alameda (Calif.) has adopted Novell's Net Services software to streamline operations and lower costs. Leveraging the Net-ready power of Novell NetWare and GroupWise, the city was able to connect three separate networks connecting 18 city sites into one Net, including mission critical emergency services departments. The result is vastly improved communication and collaboration among departments with improved productivity and lower management costs.

Facing inefficiencies caused by its growing network infrastructure, the City of Alameda was focused on unifying multiple networks in many locations into one secure, easy-to-manage network. Further complexity existed with the number of deskless fire and police personnel who needed immediate information access anytime, from any location. Novell was engaged to reduce this complexity and accelerate collaboration among city employees.

The Novell solution allowed the city to use its existing infrastructure and consolidate network management from 18 locations down to one. Employees were empowered to easily collaborate on projects, reports and other activities, increasing overall productivity. Secure Web access facilitated the connection of mobile personnel, especially fire and police, from any Internet-ready location.

"Novell products are better than anything else out there," said Michelle Gitmed, City of Alameda IT director. "We no longer have to worry if e-mails are reaching recipients. With this solution in place, everything is streamlined and communication is immediate. NetWare and GroupWise are saving us time and money."

Press Contact:
John Pilmer
Novell, Inc.
Phone: 801-861-2925