If your shared volume uses a Linux POSIX file system, use the following monitor script as a guide:
. /opt/novell/ncs/lib/ncsfuncs
function check_ifolder {
result=`ps -f -U wwwrun | awk '/mod_mono_server_(admin|ifolder|simias10)/{i++;}END{print i}'`;
if [[ $result -ne '3' ]];then return 1; else return 0; fi;
# define the IP address
# define the file system type
#define the container name
# define the device
# define the mount point
# check the file system
exit_on_error status_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS
# check the IP address
exit_on_error status_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP
# check iFolder
exit_on_error check_ifolder
# return status
exit 0
If your shared volume uses the NSS file system, use the following monitor script as a guide:
# define the IP address
#check the file system
##MYPOOL is the name of your NSS pool
exit_on_error status_fs /dev/evms/MYPOOL /opt/novell/nss/mnt/.pools/MYPOOL nsspool
##MYVOL is the name of your NSS volume
exit_on_error ncpcon volume MYVOL
# check the IP address
exit_on_error status_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP
# check iFolder
exit_on_error check_ifolder
#return status
exit 0